MovieChat Forums > Hung (2009) Discussion > UNANSWERED QUESTIONS


I watched the entire series on Amazon Prime in 5 days, I know, not the fastest binge in history but oh well. Anyway, as everyone already knows, the ending is *beep* and the only folks that got resolved in the end were Frances and Mike. Of course Lanore was left off in cliffhanger style that will never be answered and who knows if Jessica will ever truly be independent and be successful in getting her severance package from the slimeball doctor, but I have a couple of questions that maybe others can answer:

Who stole Ray's money? I get that Tanya criticized Ray for keeping money in a shoebox even though she saved her own money in a lunchbox. Did Jason/Sandee steal it? IF so, how in the hell did they know where he lived and that he had the money there? Did Charlie steal it? And if so, how the hell did he know where he lived and that he had the money there, and to top it off, know where Jason & Sandee lived in order to pin it on them? Or is Ray just a victim of a random burglary, it was a coincidence that Jason & Sandee hid their money in the same type of box (which would explain why Jason said they did steal it but Sandee, even when the pet was threatened, still claimed they didn't), and Charlie stole what they recovered from Tanya?

How did Jessica find out the secret? That revelation seemed haphazard and lazy, she just blurted it out and there was no explanation or anything from anybody. So anticlimactic!

Why would Charlie give his babymama the key to Tanya's apartment in order for her to drop off the kids for an undisclosed amount of time? I know he lies and is a pimp, but what's the purpose in dropping off the kids for several days for Tanya to watch them? That made no sense to me, it added nothing to the story whatsoever.

Why did Jason want to be forgiven by Lanore? I mean, the new setup with Tanya and Ray was going well and he was making more money with them. Why did Jason go to dump Sandee so urgently in the end? I'm guessing because Lanore gave him some hogwash about she would forgive him if he dumped her? Wtf is the point about the Disney trip? I would maybe understand if it was another TV, but a Disney trip? Why not just dump her and be over with it without the consolation prize.


I don't think Charlie stole it initially but he's the one who ended up with it. I could be wrong.

Jessica had a date with Jason. Ray found out and confronted him and punched him out in front of her. Jason said Ray's name out loud before the punch and Jessica wondered how they knew each other. She put two and two together and figured it out since she was essentially paying Jason for sex. How else would a 20 something gigolo know a 40 something high school coach?

Charlie trusted Tanya to be Tanya. He knew she was an honest and naive person and willing or not, she would look after his kids. He groomed her then used her. He's a pimp. Thats what pimps do.

He was still Lenore's hoe. Jason and Sandee were two good kids but Jason was the real innocent. He was easily swayed and easily guilted into doing things. Sandee wanted to do the business for themselves and cut out the middleman. Jason's guilt got the best of him and he didn't like anyone being mad at him. Plus he didnt' feel comfortable working with Ray now that he'd been attacked for having dinner with his wife. Lenore could get him much better paying clients also. He tried to apologize but she wouldn't accept which was part of her game. She told him she couldn't take him back because he was listening to the wrong people, namely his fiancee. Basically Jason was not a strong character and was easily dominated by the women in his life. Im sure we would have seen more evidence of that if there were more episodes. Shows what a good actor Stephen Amell is. Here he's a weak timid character and now he's the super hero star of DC comic's Arrow on the CW. I didn't even realize it was the same guy.


Charlie didn't end up with Ray's money.

He ended up with Jason's and Sandee's money. They also kept their money in a red shoe box. They only confessed to stealing Ray's money to save their turtle. Charlie would never do something like that so he wouldn't believe anyone else would do something like that. So he believes the red shoe box from Jason and Sandee really was Ray's money and that he was stealing Ray's money.

He stole Jason's and Sandee's money and Tanya's money too.

Jason and Sandee didn't know where Ray lived and probably would never think he also kept his money hidden in his house. Neither would have access to search around for it either.

The money was probably stolen by the kids, the former student or the neighbor lady.

I guess we'll never know.


Who stole Ray's money?

I think it was either the lady neighbor or his former student who wanted the apartment in Paris. He brought her to the house. She had motive and opportunity.

As for Tanya's money, that was stolen by Ray. He saw her check her lunchbox.

But I'm not at the end of season three yet so three may be other clues.

I suppose it could be his own kids. Maybe they resented that they got his old car instead of the new one.


More thoughts.

Jason and Sandee also kept their money in a red shoe box. I doubt that was Ray's. They didn't know where he lived and probably wouldn't have even thought of him keeping his money in a shoe box. They only said they stole Ray's money to save their turtle. That red shoe box was their money.

Neither Jason, Sandee or Charlie knew were Ray lived or had access to his house. I really doubt Charlie would assume Ray kept his money hidden in his house and then go over and search for it. He was also on house arrest so really doubt it.

The red shoebox we see Charlie emptying was Jason's and Sandee's that they gave to him to save their pet turtle. Their money, not Ray's. He would also have cleaned out Tanya's lunch box at the same time.

As to Ray's money, my money is still on the kids. They have the easiest access and are left alone there. I think they are most likely to have found it and taken it as revenge for not getting the convertible.

My second thought would be the former student dependent on her parents' money.

I think the lady neighbor would be jealous and vindictive enough to go through the house, find the money and take it as compensation for the mattresses she bought and because Ray doesn't make enough time for her. (Which I don't understand as she's pretty available and could still be a valuable asset to him.)
