MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > On a scale of 0-10 how did you like Due ...

On a scale of 0-10 how did you like Due Date?

I give it an 8/10, I thought it was a really good movie but I didn't think it was quite a comedy classic, I personally liked Zach G's character in The Hangover more than this movie





I had considered watching it in the theater as I love RDJ, however, we did not. I just caught it on HBO the other night and so glad I did not pay to see it.

There were some humorous aspects but it did not gel for me.

Have a nice day!
I kick arse for the Lord!



- Robert Downey Jr. was kind of unlikable, Galifianakis was near unbearable.
- No one acted like a real person.
- There were about a half-dozen solutions to Downey's problem rather than being a passenger to Galifianakis.

- It wasn't over 2 hours long, like Judd Apatow's self-indulgent comeides.
- I smiled when I saw Todd Phillips as the same creepy guy from Road Trip and Old School.
- The Grand Canyon looked good in HD.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


I give it a 6. It rips off of two of my favorite comedy films of all time, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" and "The Big Lebowski". So I took two points off for each film. Robert Downey Jr. is what saved it for me, and it got enough laughs from me. It is no where near as hilarious as "The Hangover", but it's an okay film. 6/10


8/10, I laughed hysterically through most of the movie. I have watched it about 3 times already.


Solid 8.


6. It was pretty decent, but Zach is more or less playing the same lovable loser from "The Hangover" movies. Here he's just an aspiring actor instead of a bum.

Both Ethan and Peter had their unlikable moments, yet I sympathized with them both in different scenes. That's actually pretty good character development.

The plot twist that wasn't a plot twist with Jamie Foxx's character was completely unnecessary. It's like they realized it added nothing to the plot, and simply buttoned it up with a half-assed phone conversation with Peter and his wife.

Oh stewardess...I speak jive.


Check the main score.

my rating 4

has some minor impossibilities with rather poor acting like the masturbation part where Downey barely reacted to rather offensive situation given that he barely knew the guy.

and yes planes trains automobiles were better

some stupid humor where you wait for the punch line that's not coming


I was feeling generous so I gave it a 1. Awful movie.


10. I have seen it a couple times and always get a great laugh.
