MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > I couldn't finish watching it

I couldn't finish watching it

Terrible. Painfully unfunny. I really didn't like RDJ's character either. I think he's a great actor, but his character was just so unlikeable. I'd say the same thing for Zach's character. And the humor was so weird, and not in a good way. Punching a kid? Beating off in the car?

It was just stupid.


You sound like someone who gets easily offended, and also liked their movies to have 'heroes' or clearly likeable characters that you can root for.

Not all movies are like that, and nor should they be.

Many, many movies have been made with unlikeable characters, its very common. You dont have to like them and agree with what they do to find them watchable, even entertaining.

And besides, if I remember the ending of the movie correctly both of the main characters had a sort of happy ending.


This has nothing to do with morals or whatever you're getting at. I've watched a lot movies with unlikable characters. But this takes unlikable to a new level. It was not a good movie. Period.


I just don't think you are getting the fact that these are meant to be clearly unlikeable characters , thats the point. There is still much entertainment value to be had , no matter how badly they behave.

And its only in your opinion its a bad movie. Some would agree, some would disagree.


Yep. Well I'm stating that I think the movie was bad.
