Strange New Woke

also, why did they kill off the most interesting character?


season 2 is turrible...


I am getting ready to watch it. Wish me luck.


also why is every episode about the women? also there are now 7 women and 3 men on the senior bridge crew.


that singing episode was absolutely horrible. how did they stop singing? I fast forwarded to the end.


Hemmer existed so they could pat themselves on the back for casting a real life blind guy to play a blind guy. Once interest in that died down, they no longer needed the character, so they did exactly what STD does when they no longer need their virtue signaling characters, they kill them off. People who claim SNW "isn't woke" are delusional.


its sucks they killed off one of the 2 white guys on the show. I thought he was the most interesting character and wanted to know more about his past.


Star Trek Enterprise established that there is a sub-race of Andorians called the Aenar that are born blind (not to mention Andorians have been part of the UFP since their inception), so Hemmer might have been the ONE "new" character that worked perfectly, IF SNW hadn't screwed that up by putting him in the show solely so could pat themselves on the back for having a real life blind guy play him.
