MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (2014) Discussion > What was the point of this?

What was the point of this?

A remake with nothing of interest or novel over the original.


The point was to drum up money off of a good name. Sadly the studio missed an opportunity to make a great film in the process. Injuring Murphy in an explosion was a bold departure. . . but it looks like the only bomb that did any lasting damage was the box office performance. HI-YOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Another failed remake then, you wonder when the studios will ever learn.


The thing is though. What the studios are doing is giving these remake jobs to bright upcoming directors in kind of a sink or swim situation.

Most are sinking. But every now and again we get a Dawn of the Planet Of The Apes.


Didn't have bombed in the box office in the American release, But worldwide it's profited $141 million so technically it's still successful .


The point is always the same: make a quick buck with the least amount of effort possible.
