MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (2014) Discussion > I really wanted to hate this film....

I really wanted to hate this film....

I hate remakes and this generation's sad attempts to return to the womb via nostalgia, but I actually loved this film. I randomly watched it one night on Netflix, planning to hate watch, and was humbled within the first 30 minutes upon realizing it is actually a quality film. I think it's biggest problem is that its a Robocop film, honestly- if it were a completely new property I think it would be respected/regarded similarly to something like District 9. The themes are so important and in your face, which is what I think is required for a film now that wants to send a message to an ADD generation unwilling to look below the surface... you have to slap them across the face with it- which I felt like Robocop 2014 did. Mad respect/love for this film- really sad to see all the haters hating.


Thank you. I love this film. I wish they were making a sequel.


What are you talking about, wgerardi?

I hate remakes and this generation's sad attempts to return to the womb via nostalgia

The original is one of my top favorite films, and there is a fair amount of nostalgia. You seem to imply that people my age are trying to relive their youth via remakes. How so? Rubbercop 2014 is clearly a case of a soulless corporation's attempt to repackage my nostalgia and sell it back to me, only the product is moldy.

I think it's biggest problem is that its a Robocop film, honestly- if it were a completely new property I think it would be respected/regarded similarly to something like District 9. The themes are so important and in your face, which is what I think is required for a film now that wants to send a message to an ADD generation unwilling to look below the surface... you have to slap them across the face with it- which I felt like Robocop 2014 did.

As a 35 year old man with ADHD, I have to say my favorite aspect of the original was the subtext. Looking below the surface reveals so many great things. I have no problem comparing Robocop to D9. Both are gritty sci-fi action backdrops for socio-political allegory. The "in your face" aspects of D9 are far from the most profound bits of that wonderful film. Looking beneath Rubbercop 2014 is impossible, because it is all surface. . .nothing underneath. . no soul. . .no fun. This is a turd covered in CGI sparkles. It is a well directed and shot turd, thanks to the hostage Brazilian film crew who was denied total creative control. Have you seen Jose Padilha's Elite Squad films? This could have been deep and moving, but the studio just squandered amazing talent and potential. Padilha was pretty much forced to make the turd Aronofsky walked away from.

Your logic is f#cked, dude. Especially if you think D9 was all "in your face" surface nothingness like Robo-2014. If you cut the profound subtext and philosophical implications from Rubbercop and D9. . .D9 would be a two minute film. Meanwhile this movie about a crippled cop with a prosthetic body would still be about the same length.


I wanted to show this dude some light but you pretty much said it all, this movie still makes me feel inside a black hole, it´s depressing how can they get away with this.


I didn't think going into this movie that I'd like it let alone prefer it to the original. The trailers made it look like a generic reboot. What I got was in actuality a nice slice of cyberpunk that goes further into the philosophical themes of what makes a man human than the original did. The original's a good and entertaining action movie with just the right amount of drama and satire but the remake focuses even more on the drama and I genuinely felt more emotion watching the new one than I did the old one. This is an update done right. It's a shame I skipped out on going to see it when it was playing at the cinema, because watching it now on Netflix opened my eyes to how well done this movie really is. I'd say it's one of the most pleasant surprises Hollywood's given me in recent years, so much so that I've changed my avatar to commemorate that.

PSN ID: Kev_Cypunk



It is a really good movie.

I saw the original back in 1987 in the theater. Seen it many times since. I even like Robocop 2 ... it's cheesy but it still has some very interesting moments. Did not care for Robocop 3 however ...

I think it is hilarious how much hate this movie gets here at this message board. Nobody can actually express what actually happens in the movie and they just say generic things. Makes you wonder if they even watched it at all.


I saw the original RoboCop in the theatre and many more times since then. Apart from the miscasting of Kurtwood Smith (Boddicker)--though I am starting to revise my opinion on that--I love the film, mainly for the satire, black humour ("Can you fly, Bobby?"), and boldness. 8/10.

I too expected to dislike the 2014 version. But it surprised me with its quality. It's certainly not a rip-off of the original; it examines different themes in a different way. 7.5/10.

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Not a hard remake to hate. It doesn't add anything to the original. But that's just 99% of all remakes nowadays.

A picture with a smile - and perhaps, a tear.


I really wanted to hate this film and I did. The first hour of the movie was so *beep* boring and the actors were so *beep* dull and *beep* I had to stop watching this piece of *beep* remake.


I recently saw this "new" version of Robocop for the first time (on TV -- not on the big screen) and thought it was quite well done. It's much smoother with far fewer clichés when compared to the original. I see that this film cost serious coin ($100,000,000), and it shows. The production values are spot on as is the sci-fi tech (it's far less "clunky" than the earlier film). Above all, the basic premise is still interesting IMO (perhaps not the idea of a complete cyborg cop, but the concept of a "partnership" with increasingly sophisticated technology to aid in future law enforcement.) I rate this film somewhere between 6 and 7 (closer to 7).
