MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (2014) Discussion > If this was done as a sequel to the orig...

If this was done as a sequel to the originals would fans hate it less?

I've been a huge fan of Robocop since I saw it on video way back in '88 and I've probably seen the original movie hundreds of times. I'm a fan to the point that I'll pretty much watch anything with Robocop in it so I've seen the cartoons (the good one from the early nineties and the terrible one from the late nineties) as well as the TV series and the "Prime Directive" movies. With all that being said, I actually liked the reboot a lot for what it was and I think it would have been better-received if it were done as a sequel and not a remake. That is to say instead of being Alex Murphy, the new Robocop was a new guy and the old Alex Murphy Robocop was somehow "shut down" in a throwaway line. I mean, think about it, if you disregard Robocop II and III, OCP's ultimate goal probably WOULD have been to expand their operations to have drones and ED-209s fighting overseas so the movie makes more sense if you look at it that way. It also makes sense for OCP to throw away the 80s/90s Robocop for being old and obsolete in favor of a newer, sleeker model. I think if the powers that be did this as the true Robocop II (and disregarded II and III) and then they had an after-credits scene where the Peter Weller Robocop comes out of cold storage, I think the movie would have been better received because Murphy's awesome origin as Robocop would still be intact and we would have an opportunity to get a new Robocop with his own origin and his own story with political overtones/undertones and social commentary. Anyone agree/disagree?

I may be love's bitch but at least I'm man enough to admit it. -Spike



If they had put any effort by making a new story than relying and remaking the original RoboCop to RubberCop then yes, it would have had a better reception. But I digress, the people behind RubberCop didn't seem too capable of making a good movie.


Don't forget fans hated the sequels too. If they made it such, & kept the satire of the original, than the fans probably wouldn't have hated it as much, but we all know that wouldn't happen, depth is something most movies lack today.

"Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop."
