MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (2014) Discussion > This Movie is Great!

This Movie is Great!

Everyone complaining it isn't as good as the original, should watch the original and leave this alone.
6 points is underserved!

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman


Dude it wasn't horrific but certainly wasn't great


Everyone complaining it isn't as good as the original,

That's not complaining. That's stating an obvious fact. However the complaints are numerous, and a fair number of those are substantiated and legitimate.

It's a watered down mess of a soft action film. The sci-fi is stupid and clunky at best, with a few good ideas that never went anywhere. The satire was bland and horribly deficient. The story didn't know what the hell was going on, and had an injured man wearing a prosthetic body declaring was going to solve his own murder.

That was a brief list of complaints, but the most relevant and solidifying fact is that the director hated working on the project, and thinks it's terrible. The studio forced him to make the movie Darren Aronofsky walked away from. His lack of enjoyment still shines through the gorgeous Lula Carvalho cinematography, and resonates through every dull performance, the stilted drama, and every boring action scene.

should watch the original and leave this alone.

The studio opened themselves to criticism when they remade a classic. They could have left Robocop alone, but they chose not to. They also chose to remake it in the laziest piss poor fashion.

6 points is underserved!

Underserved? This movie is under cooked. 6 points is overrated.


it's great compared to recent action movies because it told an emotionally gripping story in an intelligent way with love for details and superb CGI as well as a socially critical message.

That's not complaining. That's stating an obvious fact. However the complaints are numerous, and a fair number of those are substantiated and legitimate.

I didn't say the critique was not legitimate just ignoring the fact that they reinterpretated the franchise and gave it more depth while most action movies like M:I5 nowadays just feel shallow.
Why are people punishing a movie that actually tells a story?

the most relevant and solidifying fact is that the director hated working on the project, and thinks it's terrible.

Orson Welles wasn't satisfied with his movie either, so what, most directors love the garbage they produce, that's not a good argument...

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman


I wondered this as well. I didn't think it was bad at all. Was it a new masterpiece? No. But I thought it was well thought out and solid.

Once thing that I particularly appreciated was the fact that it wasn't just a rehash. It was its own movie with its own message. They approached the character differently (for example, he knew who he was and was aware of what had been done to him), and approached different subject material in what it was addressing.


I liked this movie but this was nothing compared to MI:5...that franchise has gotten better with every movie. Can't say the same with this. It was good, doesn't deserve all the hate but it certainly deserves some


I too thought this movie (as a Robocop fan) got too much negative attention. I was excited to see this, and while I was pleasantly surprised... I was a tad disappointed. Not enough satire for me. Loved the drama. A lot of what our hero was going through felt surreal at times.



it's great compared to recent action movies because it told an emotionally gripping story in an intelligent way. . .

No, it's really not great compared to recent action movies. Not even the bad ones. The emotionally gripping story was gutted of tone, and the lack of intelligent story telling turned it into a joke.

. . .with love for details. . .

Like the detail of Murphy, who obviously didn't die in this one, investigating his own MURDER.

. . .and superb CGI as well as a socially critical message.

Good CGI does not equal good movie. There was absolutely no socially critical message in this film. Tired tropes at best.

I didn't say the critique was not legitimate just ignoring the fact that they reinterpretated the franchise and gave it more depth. . .

More depth? This story is extremely shallow and one dimensional. The brief scene from the original with Robo walking through his family's home had more depth than the entire remake.

while most action movies like M:I5 nowadays just feel shallow.

It may be deeper than a Mission Impossible film. I wouldn't know because I don't watch those things. I doubt it though.

Why are people punishing a movie that actually tells a story?

Because the story it actually told was sh!t. The movie constantly trips over itself.

Orson Welles wasn't satisfied with his movie either, so what, most directors love the garbage they produce, that's not a good argument...

Not the same thing. Not at all. I said the Director's lack of enthusiasm really shined through in the finished product. This was not a labor of love, nor an expression of anything. Just a bastardized husk of dried out cliché wrapped in wasted potential.

Had the director been able to tell his "interpretation" it could have been something special. Instead we got this bargain bin fodder. #ROBOCRAP


So when I say the story was intelligent, you say it was not, when I say it had a socially critical message, you say it had not...well, now we know your opinion, you can sit down, thanks

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman




This movie should be rated lower. A 6 is way too high.


It's true rating would be a long way below zero. A dense ratings black hole that could potentially suck in IMDb and the entire internet.


How a u Chunk old piece of crap?

"גַּם כִּי-אֵלֵךְ בְּגֵיא צַלְמָוֶת, לֹא-אִירָא רָע- כִּי-אַתָּה עִמָּדִי" (תהילים, פרק כ"ג, פסוק ד'


I'm not old. . . just really late. . .


I despised it. Not one good thing I can say about it.


I was very intrigued by what the man had to go through, it worked as an action drama to me

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman


since when are you NOT intrigued by any man, SforSmile? It's raining men, right SforSmile? Hallelujia it's raining men (SforSmile says AMEN)


He has no arguments or brains that's why he must resort to pathetic hate posts and stalking to satisfy his inferiority complex, although I never spoke to him, he started bulling me like a silly school kid who needs someone he can stalk because his life is apparently empty, what a loser hahaha and he thinks he can lecture someone on good movies and gave nine points to Pluto Nash, how moronic hahaha

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman

"I ignore pathetic trolls"


You liked RoboCop 2014. You are mentally retarded. Case closed.


He is so full of hatred that he needs someone who he can belittle to boost his lack of dignity, what a loser who has nothing better to do than vomiting hatred on and on over anonymous boards haha it reminds me of a tick that sucks itself full of blood to eventually burst how pathetic a way of life haha I won't waste anymore time on such a self-opinionated, imbecile loser, he can keep stalking me forever, he won't ever find his lost dignity this way haha

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman

"I ignore pathetic trolls"


You're just an angry retard. I'm sorry you were born with such a low I.Q. so as to like, let alone think the RoboCop 2014 reboot was amazing or deep.

It is funny how angry you are at me because you know everything I'm saying is a fact.
