Vastly underated

People are spending too much time trying to compare it to the first. Although it's the same story (basically) and title, it should be viewed as a stand alone. Watch it and pretend this was the first. It is actually a very solid film. Good actors... Kinnamen. Oldman, Keaton,Cornish, Haley, all were excellent. Characters development was very thorough. We care about the right ones, we hate the a-holes. CGI and action was very well done.

I'd give it more like a 7.6 but add 2 tenths for using "Hocus Pocus" by Focus during the last of the China trials. Great song from the 70's! Overall 7.8

"I'm not a complete idiot... some parts are missing!"


I agree. Just watched it on Netflix. I had no idea it was on there. Just stumbled across it. I was originally going to watch it for a few minutes to feel it out. Next thing I know it's over. I thought it was good. I didn't expect a masterpiece but really enjoyed it and think it's under rated too.



Those who hate this movie decided how they felt before they even saw it. Don't pay them any mind. They look at the original through rose-tinted glasses. The original was 1987. But its not 1987, and it doesn't hold up.

My favorite is when they complain that a remake was made, but then complain when they change and update things. So, they don't want a remake, but they want an exact remake?

As I said, don't pay them any mind. it didn't matter how good this one was, they were not going to like it.


Lots of people didnt like it because it wasnt good. The script was very studio-driven, everything was played safe and generic, this movie took no risks with its direction. The public and critics picked up on this and thats why the remake is a failure. Even Joel Kinnaman spoke out agienst the remake which says a lot.


The script was very studio-driven, everything was played safe and generic, this movie took no risks with its direction

What does this even mean.. safe and generic? It was cool. There was a lot of character development. We were showed what problems Robocop has had to go through to be where he is. The graphics were up to the mark, especially the way he sees from his visor.

People these days just either like something too adult or something that has cheesy dialogue like Avengers

Clark: Jonathan Kent; isn't it a little past your bedtime?


What does this even mean.. safe and generic?

I had the same question before I saw your post. It reads like pretentious critic-speak; no offense to the earlier poster.

This signature has been deleted by the poster


What does this even mean.. safe and generic?

Very safe, very generic.

SAFE: Inoffensive in theme and tone. No resurrection = no conflict with the potential spiritual beliefs of the audience. Very politically correct film marketed to children and the international market, like China who has far more stringent censorship practices. The movie took zero risk.

Personally, I never thought Murphy was in any danger. . . nor did I care.


Just another shallow "superhero origin story".


Murphy died in the original film, lost everything he ever loved, and awoke as a brainwashed "weapon". . . slowly his tortured soul began to take control.

In this movie, a jive talking detective gets maimed in an explosion. He survives with the help of his new prosthetic body. It comes off. . . He is not a robot. . . He still has the love and support of his family, and craploads of money coming his way when he and his wife sue the sh!t out of MGM. . . I mean "OMNICORP".



You mean like the vastly underrated homecoming scene where the family stares at each other, emotionless, until the scene just sort of ends? Or do you mean the vastly underrated scene where the power of love rewrites computer code, and magically allows Kinnamancop to shoot Sellers? Robocop 2 is underrated, this is just pop fluff well on it's way to obscurity. The original still gets theatrical screenings nearly 30 years after release. 2014's will be next years bargain bin fodder at Wall Mart, lining the bottom to push more relevant films to the surface, like Babylon A.D. or Carrot Top's Chairman of the Board.


I enjoyed this much more than Robocop 2. Not as good as the original of course but still a good movie.


Have you seen this director's Elite Squad movies? I think they're on Netflix with his series "Narcos". His other work displays exactly why the studio should have let him start from scratch, and just let him work. . . instead of forcing him to make the movie Aronofsky walked away from.


2014's will be next years bargain bin fodder at Wall Mart, lining the bottom to push more relevant films to the surface, like Babylon A.D. or Carrot Top's Chairman of the Board.


Couldn't have said it better myself. You forgot Battlefield Earth


*you misspelled 'overrated'.



I assumed it was a misspelling, because it being underrated isn't a practical possibility.


Same here. A 6.3 out of 10 is a failing grade, and this was nowhere near that bad. I saw Avengers AOU in theaters, but this was more entertaining to watch than that even in sub HD picture quality. This should have received at least an 8 out of 10 (That's the rating it got on which is South Korea's largest internet portal site).


The movie was awful. It should be rated lower.


I totally agree.

I love the original movie and was very sceptical about this remake, but I've watched it a number of times now and I like it more with every viewing.

The thing this film does better than the original is the exploration of murphy's human/machine psychology, which I really enjoy.

I really wish they would make a sequel, but it seems unlikely because so many people are unwilling to accept this one.
So thanks to them, we will get no robocop at all (unfairly judging this one isn't going to bring the old one back).

My cat can eat a whole watermelon!


Yeah, it's the viewer's fault this was a forgettable remake.


I don't feel one bit ashamed for not liking this watered down cinematic abortion that even the director hated.


Remember 2014 remake take place in 2018 not when 87 film took place lioke early 90s so its all better in 2018 than then !
