MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (2014) Discussion > Can we press charges?

Can we press charges?

Against MGM? For raping Robocop? I'd testify, and there are countless other witnesses. Sadly, the judge would probably say he was asking for it. . .parading around in that sexy rubber "Power Rangers: Bondage Force" outfit.

*side note*
Little known fact. . .
They repurposed part of the G.I. Joe movie's Snake Eyes costume for Rubbercop 2014. Snake Eyes rubber lips were used to give the Rubbercop outfit adequate camel toe. It was covered with CGI after feedback from the first test screening. "It made him look too tough, I kept expecting something to happen. Please give him a Ken Doll crotch. . . .smooth and boring, just like this film."
*end side note*

If we cant get a rape case. . .
How about a Class Action Lawsuit? Like a real one, with awarded damages. . . Those emotionally pained by this film could force MGM to pay for assisted suicide. The fancy Kevorkian kind. . . Top shelf, baby! Because if Rubbercop 2014 is an indicator of Hollywood's current creative state, I'd rather be dead.

Also, my granny told me the Devil made this movie. I only think she's half right. The Devil made Jose Padilha make this movie.


I watched Robocop 3 yesterday and the movie aged really well, i was actually shocked because it was way better than i remembered, and it touches a LOT of social aspects, it really has some deep things going on there...

(Still rated it as a 3 though, im no hypocrite like some fantards here)


I dislike Robocop 3, but it is so much more worthwhile than the remake. The actor playing Robo in part 3 was better. The story was better. The child acting was better. This Remake has given me a little bit more respect for part 3, Prime Directives, and the animated series.


U still hatin on this movie bro !? Come on now help me out on the terminater Genisys board !


U still hatin on this movie bro !? Come on now help me out on the terminater Genisys board !

My ghost has returned to haunt this board. I still have not seen Genisys yet. I really think all the promotional stuff (trailers, clips, etc) look like trash. I'm still waiting for somebody to post Genisys on youtube. That's how I saw this Rubbercop remake shortly after it opened in theaters. I don't want to pay to see Genisys, and I currently don't have the luxury of downloading films. Worst case scenario, I end up renting it cheap on the PlayStation Network. . .but that is still a little ways off. Either way, I'm coming to that party, even if I'm a bit late.


Dude I'll save u a seat ! I was man enough to admit rubbercop was total bolloc** , I think I gave terminator 6/10 it wasn't a disaster in fairness but was never going to live up to expectations,

Let me know if u find it in YouTube wouldn't mind a look myself.

See u about


I saw it last night on youtube. Finding it was a pain, and the quality sucked. I have no opinion on the CGI due to the quality of the video, so I focused on the story. I'd go 6/10 no problem on this. It was kind of sh!tty, but some of it was fun, and a few ideas were interesting. Genisys is Oscar worthy compared to Rubbercop.


Glad u found it, the hate certainly wasn't justified and I can see Arnie inevitably going bad in the sequal I did like the thought of who sent him back ... So U think 6 out of 10 was fair ? Looking forward to the new predator next :)


6/10 is very fair for Genisys. I thought I would hate Jason Clarke as John, but he turned out to be way better than the role needed. . .even though he played the most farfetched character in the film, Clarke brought realism and humanity. . . Jason Clarke and Schwarzenegger saved this one from being a complete disaster.

Byung-hun Lee (I think) rocked a bit as the T-1000. He at least appeared to be channeling Robert Patrick a bit. They made him a p#ssy though. Kyle disarmed a T-1000, shot him up with the 9mm, and the T-1000 played dead long enough for Kyle to escape into the store. . .he would have been dead. Thank God for convenience, when poor writing gets a character stuck in an unwinnable situation.

I wouldn't mind the next film being a prequel about Pops raising Sarah through the 70s.


I watched 3 it again recently too. It's bad but has lots of good in it, main problem is how rubbish Robocop is and just keeps getting beaten up. The end especially is a let down.

STILL it gets so much more right than the remake which I felt is total cash cow toilet. Wasted oppurtunity to reboot the franchise. Real shame. It wasn't even a good action movie! Where was the budget? The biggest action scene is a night vision cartoon...arrggggh! So rubbish.

Oh and "let's get Samuel Jackson and Gary Oldman in because they are hot at the moment!"

Total rubbish.


Where was the budget?

One of the least obvious effects in the film, and one of the most expensive, was the suit itself. Kinnaman was wearing a flat black version for shooting. All reflections and shine were done in post. That's a ton of meticulous CGI work, and IMO among the best effects work on display in Robo 2014. I think they spent the rest of the budget on Keaton. . . They had to pay him in cocaine and hookers, plus he had a solid gold trailer.




"I watched Robocop 3 yesterday and the movie aged really well ..."

Riiiiiight, any credibility you had here just went flying out the window ...


What is Padilhas next movie? Hopefully he works on something gritty and R rated like his Elite Squad movies.

We should also sue George Lucas and Steven Spielberg for raping Indiana Jones.


Last I read, Padilha was beginning preproduction for a film about the savage drug wars in the jungles of southern Brazil's tri-border region. Should be pretty sick.

Also, yes. Lucas and Spiegelmanbergstein need to be brought to justice for raping Indiana Jones. That's my favorite episode of South Park, and the inspiration for this OP.
