MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave (2010) Discussion > The acting was so bad, it's hard to be d...

The acting was so bad, it's hard to be disturbed.

Everyone in this movie was such a horrible actor, downright cheesy at times, you never really got a feel these people were being tortured. And Jennifer had no personality whatsoever. She never felt for her victims.

Just imagine how potentially disturbing this movie could be if it had top notch actors and Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez directed it.

You're never fully dressed without a smile.


Rodriguez is trash


Yeah I didn't find it very disturbing.


Having watched this the other day, I didn't think the acting was bad. Certainly not Oscar-quality, but not bad.


The acting was fine for the material and as far as remakes go this wasnt a bad one
I still prefer the original though


I'm with you! I didn't think the acting was bad at all! It has been such a long time since I saw the original, I had sort of forgotten what that one was like.
This afternoon I was looking at the choices for horror on the Roku Channel. I discovered this one. I gave it a try. i wasn't disappointed. In fact, It was pretty intense, in my opinion!
I also watched ISOYG #2. Another intense one with the same formula.
What can I say? It's a crappy snowy day here in Wisconsin. I was in the mood for something wilder than the weather. I got it!


It's still snowing there in April?


Sadly, yes! more snow tonight. I'm starting to wonder if spring will ever come to us in the mid west.


Yeah this was a decent remake
I saw the original just last year at an area theater that has a 12 hour horror show marathon a few times a year (original 35mm print!)
Crazy stuff

ISOYG 3 stinks on ice btw...seriously a yawner

Sorry about your hellish weather Miss
GlenEllyn is out there freezing and struggling too
Hate to hear it

Hang in there dear🍷🍷


I saw part of #3 a little while ago. I gave up on it. It just wasn't following the formula. I could tell after about half an hour that it wasn't going well.

Yeah, they are getting it bad in GlenEllyn's neck of the woods too. We are neighbors after all. I guess it could be worse. At least we don't have to be anywhere tonight or tomorrow.
This weekend? We hibernate! Cheers!🍷


Today it got really cold. This after yesterday's glorious spring day. It got up to 74 degrees yesterday. Today it plummeted and felt like 33.


While the redneck over stereo typing was far fetched. Seeing a woman pinned down was disturbing for me. Like I had to turn the volume down at first and later started fast forwarding.
