MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave (2010) Discussion > I think ALL murderers and rapist...

I think ALL murderers and rapist...

should be executed.

Other posters said that other countries have executions and there are still murderers

Most murderers and rapists are not first time murders or rapists and if they are executed, they can't murder or rape next year.
The murderers and rapists in the next year, who have no regard for human life deserve to be executed.

There are always going to be murderers and rapists but, the ones who murdered and/or raped last year won't be able to do it again.

A serial killer tortures and kills 10, 20 or more people, the Pope says don't execute, that is cruel and unusual punishment. What about the victims and their families, was that not cruel?

What if you came home, found your husband/wife, kids and maybe mother and father got murdered, would you want the suspect to be put in a time out or would you want the suspect executed?

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, what about Mary?


Well, there's never any excuse for rape but sometimes murder is necessary out of defense. But only in "if I don't kill you, either somebody else or I will die" type situations. So only if the murder was out of self defense would it be excusable.


That's actually manslaughter, not murder.


Actually, of the crimes with repeat offenders, murder isn't the highest on the scale. Although, those released after murder charges do get picked up afterwards for other offenses. The stats on repeat offenders for rape is far more terrifying and disgusting, though. Even sadder is how little these rapists get caught and/or see jail. We need much harsher punishments rather than the "slap on the wrist"treatment rapists face. And we need to stop putting the victim on trial for all prior sexual activity and possible bad decisions because it makes people scared to report rape, thus letting these worthless sacks go on to hurt again.

I'm all for executing serial killers and violent rapists, but it's a slippery slope when you say all murderers and rapists should face the death penalty.

Can I trade in the children for more cash?


I'm all for executing serial killers and violent rapists, but it's a slippery slope when you say all murderers and rapists should face the death penalty
You are right, just that after watching this movie, this is the way I felt. The guys in this movie got what they deserved.

You are right rapist get off way too easy, their lawyers usually say the victims slept with x number of men and she is a slut, it doesn't matter if she is a slut or not, if she said no and he continued to forcibly have sex with her, that is rape.

Colleges cover up a lot of times when a star athlete is accused of rape. That is sad because the college cares more about making money than the safety of the girls or giving an education for the kids. Sad but true.

I have twin boys, Pete and Repete


Of course you should but the supposed victim on trial...

Are you genuinely retarded?

I want you to remember… my hand… at your throat…I want…you to remember… the one man who beat you.


Murder is a worse crime than rape. Why treat them as if they're the same? Rape victims can recover. Murder victims cannot.




I agree.


Exactly my thoughts throughout my whole life.. most criminals are jailed then released just commit again, you must kill everyone who commits any kind of aggression on innocent people on the first offense, I can't wait for the day that happens.


Exactly my thoughts throughout my whole life.. most criminals are jailed then released just commit again, you must kill everyone who commits any kind of aggression on innocent people on the first offense, I can't wait for the day that happens.

Agreed 100%.




Given the fact that the US military have been happily raping & murdering their way around the third world for the past 150 years or so with the tacit blessing of the civilian population and their political masters , does that mean all US soldiers, politicians and civilians deserve to die too?


I think child rapists should be publicly hung.

What do you got on? Loafers? You don't slaughter animals in loafers!


