MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave (2010) Discussion > Just as important as the sexual harassme...

Just as important as the sexual harassment wave that we are having is ...

the fetishizing of violence against women like what this movie is. Look at the picture her and the woman's butt, it's practically pornographic. They make this movie, and then they add in revenge at the end to make it ok. Sick.


Hmmm. I guess there's one on every board.

Anyhoo. This movie isn't "fetishizing" anything of the sort and [sorry for saying so] I think it takes a sick mind to see it that way. Was it entertaining to watch? Hell no it wasn't. It was horrific and sickening to watch, just as intended, and just as horrific and sickening as the acts themselves. The viewer is meant to sympathize with her, not to be aroused by what is happening to her. Plain and simple, the guys did what they did, and in my opinion, got what they deserved. IRL, the justice system is broken. I would be HAPPY to see something like this IRL.

E4E, T4T. I'm a firm believer.


I thought this was much much better than the original, definitely horrific and hard to watch on all levels.

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door" - Col. Curtis


The original wasn't particularly good. I think it's only remembered because the brutal and realistic rape scene was controversial.


It takes a sick mind to see this movie, and a sicker mind not to feel bad after they do.


Well apparently, you saw it. And why is that anyway? If you're so appalled by it, and you HAD to know what happens. It's no big secret. So why did you even end up watching it? You are aware, aren't you, that these things didn't really happen, right? These were actors, following a script.

As for the content, we are not all like you. Many many of us know the distinct difference between movies and reality. And we aren't all sitting there watching this movie diddling ourselves like you seem to think we are. Reality is much more appalling, the point, when was the last time you saw anyone doing what she did? NEVER. Because no one does that. This never actually happens. It's a MOVIE. It's a total stretch.

But for argument's sake, maybe you'd prefer that she wait 30 years and quiver and cry and whore herself to the media for attention, rather than actually doing something about it.


Do you know how stupid of an argument that is? Do you know that I watched it. Do you know what someone needs to watch the whole thing before they can have an opinion on it. Do you know if I watched it how long I watched it. Basically you don't know anything and just want to make an unfriendly comment out of nowhere in support of a very sick movie ... maybe because you are a very sick individual, and not to bright on top of it. Not to mention your twisted arguments in defense of the movie. Your last paragraph is also a real good indicator that you don't get the difference between fantasy and reality. I'll bet your mom is really proud of the way you think of women. Maybe she watched the movie with you too and was so uplifted by it. Keep squirming in the mud with your mama ... I'm going to put you on ignore now.


You are aware, aren't you, that these things didn't really happen, right? These were actors, following a script.

Yes, but the original 1978 film (which this 2010 version was based on) was inspired by a true story: In 1974 writer/director Meir Zarchi came across a naked young woman stumbling out of the woods; she had a broken jaw and had been raped by two scumbags. She said they would have killed her but she convinced them she couldn't see without her glasses and therefore couldn't identify them. They then broke her jaw to knock her unconscious so they could make a getaway. She regained consciousness fairly quickly and wisely decided to get out of the area in case they changed their minds. She crawled through the woods to the nearest road, which is where Zarchi discovered her.

Of course Zarchi added the woman's revenge angle, which is why the flick was originally titled "Day of the Woman." So, while the revenge part is fictitious and over-the-top to the point of being eye-rolling, the gang rape angle is true in that this crime happens regularly around the world. That said, I'm sure a woman or three have gotten personal justice one way or another on their rapists.


The poster is a callback to the original poster which also had a really nice butt.
