Why is this game so highly valued?

There's a copy on eBay at the moment closing in on going for £300 sterling.

It's not a game I was particularly aware of therefore I'm wondering why it's so valuable?


Popular/beloved franchise + relative scarcity + never rereleased, remade or remastered; it only sold about a million copies worldwide (not a flop, but modest compared to a lot of other Pokémon games), and that was nearly 20 years ago.

Gamecube was also a relatively unsuccessful system which in most countries (certainly in the US) was only really popular with kids, and consequently the games for the system have exploded in value in the last few years, because they're not that common, and those who do have nostalgia for the system tend to look back on it as a beloved childhood touchstone.



Yeah, it's interesting to see the rise in value of GameCube games. I looked up some best ever GameCube lists a few years ago and bought a few missing recommended games, e.g. Viewtiful Joe, Beyond Good & Evil, but this never featured (unfortunately!).

I guess it mostly must be Pokémon angle and fans of that it particular driving it higher than other games.
