MovieChat Forums > Twisters (2024) Discussion > I have a feeling this will be pretty bad...

I have a feeling this will be pretty bad.

I have a few reservations.

1. It appears to be a beat-for-beat remake of Twister. What's the point? Nobody was clamoring for a Twister remake.

2. It's essentially the same plot as the 96 film but with none of the excellent character actors to carry the movie. No names like Paxton, Hoffman, Elwes, or Hunt. Of the entire cast, the only actors I'm confident in is Glen Powell, who seems to be channeling Paxton. The other actors i know are Brandon Parea, who I literally only recognize as the weakest character in Nope, and the chick from Where The Crawdads Sing. Maybe there are some newfound gems in here but there is hardly a solid cast at all.

3. The CGI looked awful and worse than the CGI in the 96 film. That's just sad. And no, don't tell me the CGI "isn't finished" yet because that excuse has NEVER proven to be true. Remember when everyone was groaning at how bad the effects were in the trailers for Escape From LA and New Moon, and the studio said they just weren't finished yet, only to find out the effects were entirely finished and looked the exact same in the final film?

4. They were still filming Twisters as of late January. I figured they'd push it back by at least 6 months but no, apparently they're still aiming for that July release date. Even for an indie movie, that's a pretty quick turnaround. We're talking about a $250 million movie being scrambled together in four months??? I feel bad for all the people doing editing, special effects, and sound design, scrambling desperately on zero hours of sleep trying to assemble this nightmare.

5. The director has made good movies but he specializes in small family-driven indie dramas like Minari. How the hell was he hired to direct a giant action movie like this? He is a good director and I'm sure at least some of that will show in the final product, but this is a massive undertaking for a director who's never made a studio film before. I heard he was very overwhelmed by production and had to fly home to "recover" for a bit. This is the one element I have the most hope for turning out okay. I see it being an Amazing Spider-Man situation where a good indie director doesn't know how to make a good blockbuster.

6. The title is stupid. There were several twisters in the first film.

7. One of the big draws, according to the filmmakers, was that it "upgraded" the tornado-chasing technology to show the advancements in science since 1996. While some of that will probably be shown in the final film, the trailer shows us more of the same technology that was used 25 years ago. Dorothy is extremely outdated and bare-ass pickups and SUVs are still being used for stormchasing, according to the "modern science" of this film.

Who knows.


I would be surprised if anyone approached a sequel to a blockbuster film from decades ago with any enthusiasm. We know the track record of sequels like this and yeah the trailer doesn't help add much positivity. It just looks like a rather dull retread with a lack of fun characters/actors. I mean the original wasn't great but it had a sense of fun.

I could be wrong and it ends up being another Top Gun: Maverick. But I would say that had more of a story to work with and Tom Cruise came back. The other thing is that back when Twister was made, tornado footage wasn't as readily available everywhere like it is now. There are countless videos of tornadoes you can find on Youtube that will be far more real and scary than anything this film throws at us.


I'm inclined to agree. The cgi is the biggest disappointment for me. It doesn't look like a $200M movie but more on par with something like 'Hurricane Heist'.


This is a 200m dollar movie? what the fuuuuuck? That's too damn high.


ehhhh..... man. this looks good, honestly. and pointless. this is one of them remakes where it's so true to the original, why did they even bother making it?


2. i'm optimistic for new actors I don't know. i'm digging the cowboy theme.
3. Can't say yet. But I watched Twister two nights ago and i'm still struck with how good the visuals are.
4. The special effects scenes were probably made a while ago. They're just sticking in the human shot bits. Disaster movies are assembled backwards now.
5. Big budget disaster flicks are committee made in computer. I really don't think the director has much to do with them anymore, unless they've already made a name for themselves.
6. The title is whatever. "Twister 2" ain't gonna make no billion dollars.
7. IDK. I watch them dumb storm chasers shows which are mostly BS then all of the sudden they're chasing a real tornado. Doesn't seem to me the tech is so far advanced. It's still just idiots with laptops charging into near death encounters.

Ultimately, the story of Twister isn't even about Tornadoes. It's the journey of a woman reconciling her tragic past and forging a future with a stubborn man who finally learns what to value in life. It's 2024 and I can pretty much guarantee this movie ain't gonna be about that.


The Cowboy theme and good visuals comes from it being shot on location in Oklahoma. It's fitting for the location. I hope it at least somewhat of a decent story and keeps the bits of humor from the characters like the first movie. If it does that I think it'll turn out great. I do hope they have a few call back to Twister in this new movie. I'd love it if they found a good rock band to make a new version of "Human's Being" by Van Halen. Also they need another food scene like the "steak and eggs" stop at Aunt Meg's house.


After hearing about Helen Hunt's idea that she was shopping around, where she wanted to make an all-minority Twister sequel (whitey not allowed!), I was pleasantly surprised to see how good this looks and how faithful of a sequel it seems to be to the original film. I do think it seems to lack the charm of that movie but I think this still could be a fun Summer ride.

I will say that I am fairly optimistic. It doesn't look like a GREAT follow-up to the 1996 original but it doesn't look like a bad one either. And I like Glen Powell.

Sorry, I'm not ready to drink the Haterade here.


I'm not "hating on it." Hey, if they want to make another disaster/action movie like "Twister," go for it! It just seems like it is a shot for shot remake. And that invites close comparison with the original. To me, the original had such great characters, and that is actually was draws me to rewatching it. I personally am not feeling that here. I would have thought coming up with a different storyline would have avoided these issues.


Glenn Powell has said its a new story and not connected to the Original Twister. I shouldn't be this excited for this movie but I am. The trailers have sold me and the CGI has come a long way in almost 30 years since the original. I also love there's going to be a soundtrack as well.


"Twister" is one of my favorite films, so I am hopeful. I just want this film to be its own movie.


My only complaint is it should already be in theaters as it's severe weather season and the original Twister came out in May of 1996.


Calling it a "shot-for-shot remake" is certainly overstating it. Here's the second trailer, if you haven't seen it:

While there are obvious similarities, as there should be, I can point out at least three things that are different:

1. No divorce sub-plot with a third-wheel fiancée

2. Two teams where the leaders end up working together somehow instead of being totally opposed to each other the whole way through

3. The cocky, brash guy being the leader of the old school team instead of the new team with all the gadgets

4. Fire tornado!

So while this is quite clearly a successor to the first film, it also is not going to be the same. And considering that we haven't gotten a good disaster movie in a long time, I am interested in what it has to offer.

I agree with you about the characters in the original, though. That film is so well-written and it has such a great cast!


Yeah, just the feeling from seeing the trailer. I would certainly think it's going to be its own movie, but the truck looks the same, Dorothy is back, Glen Powell has that Cary Elwes vibe in its way, two teams with their own personalities going after the tornadoes, that kind of thing. We'll see how it turns out in July. Hopefully, it will turn out well. "Twister" is one of my favorite films, so I get a bit protective of it.


Twister is certainly a great film--I in fact own it on Blu-Ray--but as I said to a friend the other day when he asked why we need a Gladiator II, the existence of a sequel doesn't affect the original film. That first film will always be what it is. So I invite the opportunity to get a second film, because if it's good, then I now have two good films to watch instead of one. And if it sucks, then I can just never watch it again and ignore it.


At one point, Helen Hunt wanted to Direct this and wanted an entirely woke movie, total diversity from top to bottom and it never happened, unless this is the movie??

"Her idea was rejected. “I tried to get it made,” Hunt said on “Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen” in 2021. “With Daveed [Diggs] and Rafael [Casal] and me writing it, and all black and brown storm chasers, and they wouldn't do it.Feb 12, 2024"


Amblin Entertainment was keen on the idea about an all minority cast but they didn’t want Hunt as a director. She was attached to the script and when she was out so was her script. They chanced it to a more action driven summer feature and hired a minority as a director instead. Glen was offered the role fresh from Top Gun Maverick fame.


You know?? Since 1996, we've seen quite the disaster type of movies at the movie theatre so, I'm not sure how a movie like this is going to be anymore special than what we've seen in 25 years??


A dime a dozen!


It's a fun genre and we really don't get disaster films too often. What was the last one, Geostorm in 2017? That was seven years ago.


They should just release this to a streaming channel, NETFLIX or Paramount instead of the theatre


You're insane. This is EXACTLY the kind of film you want to see on the big screen with the surround sound.
