MovieChat Forums > Hercules (2014) Discussion > Why does any ever hire Brett Ratner?

Why does any ever hire Brett Ratner?

He raped the X-Men so bad they had to make a film that completely erased his film from Marvel history. And now he extrudes this load of crap.


Don't the exact same question reign true for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson???
He's a horrible actor, who's only "good" in movies where you're not supposed to take him very serious.

He's become like Megan Fox...... Bad actor that they hire for their looks or whatever :-( getting insanely tired of seeing them both in as many movies as directors/producers can get them to do :-(


Someone asked the same about M Night Shyamalan once

the answer is that if a bad director keeps getting hired is that he is cheap (or cheaper than others)
he is easy to work with, he stays on budget and he always completes the movie before deadlines.

Studios tend to love a person that can do a good job in that sense. So I think when it comes to Brett, he seems like an easy going guy and he might be really easy going with the bosses.
So they keep getting him back


Brett Ratner is one of my least favorite bigger named directors in Hollywood, but he'll always have work regardless of how bad his movies are. He always completes projects on time, under budget, and his films make money. Ask any studio exec which is more important to them; an oscar worthy movie thats makes a small profit, or a bad movie that makes big profit...every single studio exec will choose the more financially successful film. It all about money at Ratners films are usually profitable


He is a Zionis Jew and he loves Israel.




I agree that Ratner was the wrong director for X-Men 3. But, in my opinion, he did a good job with the "Rush Hour" series and "Red Dragon".
