MovieChat Forums > Hercules (2014) Discussion > OMFG that was NOT a good movie

OMFG that was NOT a good movie

Please tell me they weren't taking themselves seriously, please, please, please. Please!
They literally used every possible cliché, so much that I managed to figure out almost every last detail of what's going to happen ten minutes in. Literally.
I'm not even gonna get anywhere near the displayed (lack of) acting abilities by the actors[?].


Yep. Welcome to Brett Ratner sh-tty movies:
Were he ruins Rush Hour, The X-men franchise, & Hercules!!!


Rush hour wasn't bad at all


Rush Hour was and always will be awful.
"Black people do this" "White people do that" And what happens when you mix an Asian with a black person?. uh..oh"
Some of the most unoriginal overrated films!!


Oh. so he was the one responsible for the last stand? Why does anyone still hire him? I kinda liked x-men 3 but I think it's mostly 'cuz he didn't have enough time to completely murder it.


xmen 3 was an atrocity


agree this movie is really bad. nearly slept in the cinema -.-



This movie was actually a little better than anyone gave it credit for. Yeah, it was cliched, but the cliches were actually made fresh, and even played upon in the film---in other words, it actually managed the feat of not feeling like the same damn movie you'd seen 10,000 times before---which is not always an easy trick for a genre film to pull off. The battle scenes were really exciting and fun as hell, and I liked the new spin on the Hercules legend.

I also really appreciated the fact that the whole film wasn't one big crazy CGI fest---they could have so easily gone in that direction, so big props to them for not even going there for a change. Plus the Rock played this role like he was born to be in it---he pretty much owned every scene he was in. I also like how he portrayed Hercules as a man who was wise and weary enough not to be a cocky bastard, and one who didn't take his prowess in battle for granted---that was also refreshing. I really could give less than a damn who directed it because it was a good film, period. And, yeah, I liked the Rush Hour series, so nyah!



Well put, activista. I completely agree.



Oh, thanks,lol. BTW, the film's streaming on Netflix for whoever hasn't seen it yet.



if there was EVER a movie that needed to be a "CGI FEST" this was it...
they needed to show the real legend. this was pretty stupid


To the invisibleretard

Rush hour was awesome your an idiot


Let's just say Rush Hour was not original and completely formulaic Can we at least agree to this?


Given that "G" stands for "God," the inclusion of "F" is offensive. Could you kindly avoid it in future? Thank you.


Gods aren't real, dude... humans created them.


I agree with you that man invented "the gods." God, on the other hand, invented man. But whatever you think, don't you see that when someone puts an abbreviation for an obscene word in front of an abbreviation for "God," believers reasonably find this offensive, and that it has no place in polite discourse? (Hint: politeness ought to be expected in a public forum.)


Jesus Christ - lighten up! ;)


Hard to say whether you're missing the point or trying to be funny. Either way, it's a bit late.


Neither. I'm saying don't be so serious.[1] You must remember that many people are not "believers", and are not bound by arbitrary rules regarding language in this context.

You took offence where clearly none was intended; I said, prefaced with a general exclamation (eg. Jesus Christ!),[2] that you should not be so serious.


lighten up
verb phrase

To become less serious; be easy; relax •Often a more or less gentle admonition: Schofield lightens up and improves at bat/ Aw, come on, everybody, lighten up a little. It wasn't that bad. The decade, I mean/ You have to lighten up, Chief. The men are giving it everything they have (late 1960s+)

The Dictionary of American Slang, Fourth Edition by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD. and Robert L. Chapman, Ph.D.
Copyright (C) 2007 by HarperCollins Publishers.


Definition of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ Featured Word

* a general exclamation.

Jesus Christ, that was a good meal!

Jesus Christ, that was a terrible meal!


No this wasn't a good movie and the Rock looks absurb but I was entertained by it. The fight scenes were good and the chariots of death circling the wagons scene was unique (never seen it before). It was almost offensive how stupid Rock and crew acted but, thankfully, most of characters were functionally mute and window dressing. Ian McShane was cast to provide comic relief but kept telling the same joke over-and-over. Again not good but mildy amusing, and sometimes that's enough.


It's weird that the op starts his post with "Please tell me they weren't taking themselves seriously" when it's so obvious this film doesn't take itself seriously at all.
That's what I liked about it: it was just fun. Also it was short and tight.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Its wasn't top notch but it was a very enjoyable watch....most movies use lots of cliches you cannot excape them..its a rare movie that brings something new...the onnly movies where you can't gues whats going to happen are ones with clever plot twists and they don't come up often and alot of the plot twists themselves are cliched... this movie doesn't deserve the bad press


I agree Moomar. It wasn't the greatest but I enjoyed it very much also. Just got done watching it and I'm certainly glad I didn't listen to the comments saying it was the worst movie of the year and such, not even close. The Rock is 1 cool mo fo and I enjoy pretty much everything he is in. It entertained me and that's all I ask for. Hercules, Hercules, Hercules,


but it wasn't bad either
