MovieChat Forums > Hercules (2014) Discussion > nearly turned off at the start

nearly turned off at the start

When he hit 5 people in one blow it was an "ow no" one of those movies, I was about to turn it off but luckily we saw it was just a trick and am glad I watch the rest it was surprisingly a good movie with the odd cheesy bits but it was far better than I expected.


And when he did the exact same thing later it did not seem to you as "that kind of movie" and you even liked it...I am confused...


I'm with the OP, it is a cheesy and not even that great but some of the writing decisions I felt were kind of clever, I just wish it was more of consistent with its quality but I end up kind of liking the movie at the end of it all.


Well it was better than that pile of pants 'Wrath of the Titans!


Or the predecessor, 'Clash of the Titans,' YUCK!


In my humble opinion, as bad as the "Titans" franchise indeed was, Hercules was even worse.

I mean, in CotT, one at least gets to see stuff like the goddamn Kraken, scene which in itself was badass enough to make the whole movie worth my while. Not to mention that it is still the biggest, largest, meanest creature/being/entity ever depicted on screen if i'm not mistaken (any suggestions? I don't think either Chronos nor any Godzilla was bigger. Even Avatar's tree was smaller, right? Anyway...), which obviously shouldn't be a feat in itself, unless you are like me very fond of quality large-scale CGI disaster porn,like 2012 and unlike Man of Steel for instance.

And even if it is only one scene in the whole Titan duology, that's still one scene more than in Hercules...

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²
