MovieChat Forums > The Wonder Years (2021) Discussion > Instead of happy nostalgia, every episod...

Instead of happy nostalgia, every episode will be about cross-burning, lynching, segregation etc.

In this case, "The Wonder Years" is going to be used sardonically. It is going to be a side-show of endless, monstrous cruelty perpetrated by the vile, evil white man. The young boy's best friend will likely die in an "Emmet Till" influenced incident. White people, watch only if you are into self-hatred and guilt for stuff you had no part in.


It will also get cancelled.


They'll likely carry it for a full season in spite of abysmal ratings, but after that, there will be no choice but to let it die.


They needed to call it something else....


I can only hope the first episode will dedicated to that selfless patron saint George Floyd.


He'll probably be the baby brother.


You could have said something intelligent like the original show took place about 20 years in the past, so a reworked show should take place in the late 90s instead of 60 years ago. Instead, you showed what a racist piece of shit you are. Fuck you and your whole fucking family.


But black people are more enslaved and oppressed than ever! They are being hunted down by the police every day for the crime of being black! Jim Crow laws are coming back in every red state! Black people can't even go to McDonald's without the SWAT team being called in!
You have to admit it's ridiculous to believe there are any 'wonder' years for black people when all they do all the time without respite is bitch and moan about how awful black people have it in America. Of ANY era, any period. This is said black millionaires! They can't get 24 hour drive-thru voting? Racism!
My problem is I actually listen to these liberals and pay attention to what they say and toss their asinine nonsense back in their faces. They deserve it.
And all they will do is find ways to hate on white people. That's their true 'wonder' years.


You could have said something intelligent like the original show took place about 20 years in the past, so a reworked show should take place in the late 90s instead of 60 years ago.

How the fuck do you consider that remotely intelligent when the description right there on the page says:

The Wonder Years (2021) (tv show): A man recalls his experiences growing up in Montgomery, Alabama during the late-1960s. Discover the latest Discussions, Reviews, Quotes, Theories, Explanations and Analysis of The Wonder Years (2021) below


I'll never know because I'm not going to watch the shit.


No one gives a shit what you think, you fucking Trump licker.


Simmer down before you give your vegan powered brain an aneurysm. Grown ups don't act like petulant children when they get to their mommies computer. Now go sit in the corner and take a time out.


Well, black families definitely had to deal with things that white families like the Arnold's didn't have to. Wonder Years did have the hippie sister who was anti-Vietnam War iirc. There will for sure be some political messages in this where they support certain causes they favor and feel backlash from it. But who knows I'll give it a shot. Hopefully it's tolerable and not heavy handed


Scared already?


Scared of all the maudlin fake sentiment when MLK gets shot in the premiere episode while the family is praying and singing hymns around the dinner table.


Don't worry. From the tone of the show, it seems like they're going the comedy route which is a joke; an unfunny one. This show should be as dramatic as you said but I really don't think they have the guts to do it. With that said, why even bother setting it in Montgomery, Alabama if you're not going to go there with it? Why not set it somewhere else? These people are idiots.


Your prediction proved correct. First episode was trash race baiting.


I knew it!


Do you actually think there would be a lot of happy nostalgia for a black family in the 60's in Alabama?


Well they were starting to get welfare checks based on the number of kids they had so for the baby mama's squirting out babies like a PEZ dispenser they had some joy... Especially compared to today when the mean old republican start requiring them to do some form of work to get their welfare checks.


I'm wondering if this series will have an episode where the Mom is forced by the evil White man to kick the Dad out because the welfare checks will become larger if he's gone.


Poor white people have never experienced the kind of poor that black people have experienced. If you think that growing up in a trailer park under power lines is bad, you have no clue what amazing progress it would be for a black family to crawl up to that level especially in the Deep South and you want to whine about paying welfare to them?


Where do the $200+ Yeezys and the solid gold grills on the welfare recipients come from is what I'd like to know.


Where do you 'think' they come from?


Misspent welfare and undeclared income from crime, drugs and prostitution. If their lives are so much harsher than those of poor Whites, you think they would want to satisfy the basics before spending so much on useless status symbols.


You think $200 Yeezys come from misspent welfare? Wooowww


You missed the rest.


How much welfare do you think they get? They aren't living large.

I don't understand people who get so bent over a single mother getting MAYBE $1500 a year in food stamps while the Shell Gas company gets $2,000,000,000 a year granted to them by the government because it has high powered lobbyists.


Let’s say you’re right and this was a single mother on welfare despite the U.S. Census data showing that in 1960 about 65 percent of black children under 18 were living in households with two married parents.

What does that have to do with the amount of oppressive racism a black child would have experienced growing up in Alabama at that time?


Go look at the facts. Welfare rules at that time provided the maximum payout for single mothers which quickly created a black culture void of fathers. If you aren't familiar with history then do us all a favor and go fuck off.


Swearing isn't necessary when you have a valid point. You used "You can go and fuck off" defensively as though I attacked you or you are fearing an attack, so which one is it? There's a level of immaturity when you have to rely on fuck all to defend yourself.

You are avoiding the topic . . .again.


I provide the counter argument and pointed out your ignorance on the history of the time the series is set. You can ignore things all you want you ignorant cunt, but it doesn't change anything.


Calm down there trigger. Do you need a pill for your blood pressure hon?


In that case, they should have called it something else instead of The Wonder Years. Maybe Roots: The Less Oppressed Years. The entire thing is a waste of time and money anyway. It'll get cancelled after one season. Its target audience is any simpleton who calls George Floyd a hero, a small subsection of society, thankfully.
