SPOILER! Why didn't he

Fucking shoot her? Better yet, to give him some incentive, why didn't the sister tell him the girl was the one who killed their mom? I was so mad! I'm over this movie πŸ™„


Why in the fuck did the Mom just sit there and let herself get stabbed? She didn't even turn around to fight. These people were duuuuummmmbbbb.


Same with the Dad. The Man in the Mask is just slowly taking his time with the knife and he just tries to pull this immovable piece of wood from his abdomen. He could have swung his right arm up as fast as he could have and possibly broke TMITM nose with his forearm.

There are self aware horror movies and ones that just make their characters too stupid to feel for. This was the latter.


I felt the same way about the father’s death. Use your hands to at least fight back for goodness sake.
