MovieChat Forums > Evil Dead (2013) Discussion > Evil Dead REmake is CRAP!

Evil Dead REmake is CRAP!

I remember watching the original Evil Dead for the first time and loving it and wondering if they would ever remake it and that it could be much better. Then they did it and it is possibly one of the worst remakes of horror of all time ranking with Halloween and the like.


possibly one of the worst remakes of horror of all time
I wouldn't go that far. No, it doesn't posses the magic and fun of the first but there's plenty of remakes out there that are a lot worse. To name a few;

The Amityville Horror
A Nightmare on Elm Street


I thought The Amityville Horror was a good remake, along with this film and the 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Most are crap.


Poltergeist was crap and so was nightmare on elm street. Amytvivlle horror was not that bad.


The Hills Have Eyes was also a good remake that, IMO was better than the original. Fright Night was a cool remake, and I love the Evil Dead remake.

I love the original, too, but I like Fede's re-imagining of Raimi's film. It's just a much different tone than the original. Super, super brutal and gory.

The original was gory, too, but it had the campiness that I think a lot of fans of The Evil Dead missed in this one. Which I understand, but I waited about a year before I watched the remake, and I knew what to expect by that point in time. I think the direction Fede took his version of the film may have caught fans of the original off guard.

I just enjoy the horror genre and its sub-genres, and try to keep an open mind when it comes to remakes. I guess I'm not too much of a purist.


The worst thing is they tried to make the new version over blown with false advertising such as claiming it to be the scariest movie ever made etc etc


Even though I hate this remake... I have to admit, when comparing it to most other "horror remakes" in the last 16 years... it's probably in the Top 10... and that is pathetic... the whole cast was very annoying.

Here are the only good "horror remakes" in the past 16 years (IMO):

- The Crazies
- Halloween (only the 1st Rob Zombie film, 2nd was crap)
- The Hills Have Eyes
- The Last House On The Left
- Let Me In
- The Ring




In your opinion

For me it's he best movie in the world

It's my ultimate favorite

See how that works

Just because you hated it, doesn't take away from the fact others enjoyed it :)


...the whole cast was very annoying

I guess this is where that "opinions differ" thing comes into play. I thought the actress who played Mia was great - nailed the part. Aside from the scene where she yanked half of her arm off, she played the perfect cabin-in-the-woods-style damsel in distress.


Just because you liked it, doesn't take away from the fact that others did not enjoy it :)

See how that works?


Nice, I think it is better than the original. The same goes for Halloween. At least the original evil dead was good when it was released and still is kind of funny.
Halloween was always just boring and bad. Zombie at least put some background to it.

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


The original sucks. This is way better than the 1981 crap. The production value of this is on a different level compared to the original. Just because it's an original, doesn't mean it's better and you have to dick ride it.

Don't get hurt kid. I'm not your daddy, I'll beat you senseless.


Sorry, but this remake was mostly solid visual gore and atmosphere with characters that had no chemistry or depth. When they are hugging in the beginning of the movie it was weird and heartless... and that is what the producers thought would make us bond and care about them...?
"Oh look they are trying so hard to help their addict friend/sister."
From that point forward I realized the production team did not do their homework to get us to feel for the 5 in the woods... just awfully poor character development.


So, the production value means nothing, still a terrible movie. You can keep throwing money at a movie and it doesn't mean the movie is better. The original Evil Dead was a classic because of the low production value, and because of this, the creators had to think of more imaginative and unique ways to provide scares and plot. The way the camera moved, the sound effect, acting, setting, makeup effects, etc, all had to be carefully thought out to make the story work. The new Evil Dead had it easy, with all the CGI graphics, they lazily and uninventfully showed us the same schlock seen in most horror movies today. So we see that high production value yields lazy and trite filmmaking.
And the original was lightyears better than the remake for this reason.


^^This guy gets it.




As a fellow Ash Vs. Evil Dead fan, I respect your opinion, but there is only a minute amount of CGI in the 2013 remake.

In sharp contrast, Ash Vs. Evil Dead uses far more CGI throughout its first season than Fede Alvarez's remake ever did in its entire runtime (which I assume was because of budgetary reasons).

"What's the ugliest part of your body? I think it's your mind."


Finally watched the remake. Just terrible IMO. Nothing positive to say other than the effects were quite good.


sorry man but common, have watched youre review and its making me *beep* puke man really.

Movies like Drag me to hell and Prestige you have 1 star really. your opinion is like no opinion at all im sure you will die slow and painfull someday :)


"but there is only a minute amount of CGI in the 2013 remake. "

Wrong, the whole movie was CG, basically nothing was practical, and if it was, it was enhanced with CG.




How old were you when you saw the original?
