MovieChat Forums > Evil Dead (2013) Discussion > You'll get old waiting for a horror rema...

You'll get old waiting for a horror remake to top this movie

When I first heard that a remake to the classic 'The Evil Dead' was in production, I was heart broken. If there's one thing I hate more than remakes, it's remakes of classic horrors I watch as a kid, and after Rob Zombies god awful attempt at 'Halloween' I had almost given up hope with modern remakes. I started to hear many good things about 'Evil Dead' but wouldn't let myself be dragged into the hype, but as a hardcore fan of the Evil Dead trilogy I had to go see it. I kept my expectations low but, wow!

Not only is this film a great remake, it's a great film in its own right full stop. Jane Levy's performance as Mia is fantastic both as human & deadite. It takes a lot to make me jump but this film is full of them & I can't say enough about the effects, and without cgi it's incredibly impressive. Yes there's no Ash, but does there need to be? Did you really want another man filling in the shoes of the almighty Bruce Campbell? Do we really need another 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' remake situation? Mia stand on her own feet as a new horror icon for a new generation.

A horror film can never be truly judged until it's 20 years old and being watched way before you should be watching it. The question is, will 'Evil Dead' still be shocking us in 20 year's? I think it will. As a horror fan, or even just a fan of truly fantastic films, you need to watch this film. Right now.
