MovieChat Forums > Cyrano (2022) Discussion > Will a movie about Martin Luther King or...

Will a movie about Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela be played by Brad Pitt or George Clooney?

That trend having European historic personalities played by black actors, totally ridiculous, pathetic and total non-sense.

May be Jackie Chan can also play Franklin D Roosevelt or Elvis Presley?


Are you protesting the casting of a Negro? You need to post this on the "Tragedy of Macbeth" board (the one with Denzel Washington improbably playing the Scotish king).


Why don't people get that such movies are just 'what if?' Scenarios? They are not re writing history or trying to convince people that a certain person was in reality black, white etc.

If you already know the history of the character, why do these alternate representations bother people so much?


Why don't people get that such movies are just 'what if?' Scenarios? They are not re writing history or trying to convince people that a certain person was in reality black, white etc.



That's just speculation and not proven.


No, my point was that the Left ARE trying to rewrite history with race swaps.

We all know Beethoven wasn't black. I don't even know why it's being entertained other than the fact that race-swaps are being framed to lead loony people to TRY to rewrite history!


So if we know Beethoven wasn't black, do you really think people making a movie and portraying him as black are seeking to actually convince people otherwise?

Like I said before, these are just alternate viewpoints, what If scenarios. It's not trying to change history at all. People are just not that stupid.

For me it's more about yes, we know the historical facts, but here's an alternate take on that character.

I really don't know why people get so het up about this.


So if we know Beethoven wasn't black, do you really think people making a movie and portraying him as black are seeking to actually convince people otherwise?

That's literally what that Guardian article was entertaining... and now we have this whole ridiculous historical revisionism that all ancient Egypt was actually black.

So yeah, there are loonies -- helped by Hollywood -- to convince people that blacks made up half the population in medieval Europe, and were European royalty, and ruled European countries.

I know a lot of people like to blind themselves to what's going on, but anyone who isn't purposely sticking their head in the sand can see the writing on the media's wall.


Exactly! There are all kind of crazy theories being spread on the internet. Not just about ancient Egypt or Eurpean history, but also about Mesoamericans. Amazon even sells books about it.


Thanks for those links, because it further highlights my point about the scary part: with the push for CRT in schools, you'll start seeing this kind of revisionist history in the classroom soon.

What started as race-swaps in movies ends up being a distorted reality in an equally corrupt education system.


Did you see Interstellar? There was that scene where McConaughey in 2067 has the meeting with his kid’s public school teacher about how the girl shouldn’t be bringing in old textbooks showing the NASA Apollo missions. And then the teacher reveals that modern textbooks have been “corrected” to show the moon landings were a hoax; faked to trick the Russians into bankrupting themselves according to “real” history. The scene meant nothing to me when I watched it in 2014. But it’s chilling to re-watch it today considering some recent culturally-motivated recasting of historical facts. Watch the scene below when the female teacher has her exchange with McConaughey. It really plays like a prescient analogy to things going on today like what you reference.


Wow... just wow....

I remember that from the movie but didn't pay much attention to it.

Nolan was definitely ahead of his time seeing as to how that's the EXACT trajectory our education system is on right now.

Pretty soon kids will be learning 2 + 2 = 5 and that biology is a social construct (to some extent some poor saps are already repeating the latter lie due to the Leftist propaganda pervading EVERYWHERE).

You're absolutely right that it's absolutely chilling to re-watch it within the contextual framing of today's rapidly declining social norms.

Thanks for that unfortunate but very relevant reminder.


the white victimhood conspiracy circle jerk going on here hahahah


Black people are the real white people. Your racist ass refuses to accept this because you're a fucking racist, but it's the truth. Black people did all the great things white people claim to have done in the history classes you were taught

It was only a few decades ago that white commies rose to power through deception and subterfuge and rewrote all of the history textbooks. Now we are taught history backwards from how it happened


Yes, that's exactly what they want to do and yes, some people are stupid enough to fall for that!


There are crazy theories by people on the internet about white historical figures that they were actually black.

First I’ve seen photos on the Pinterest couple of years ago where there were claims that Greeks were black, Egyptians also.

Speaking of Egyptians that is actually more of a mainstream idea in Black community I’ve come to notice. I know ancient Egyptians were whitewashed in the movies but still that doesn’t mean they were black either, at least not most of them. There was a Kushite dynasty (25th Dynasty) for a while who ruled Egypt and they indeed were black, and that was after Nubian invasion of Egypt. Also people claim that Cleopatra was black, where she was of mostly Greek descent, Ptolomey dynasty were Greek Macedonians, but I read theories that Cleo was probably mixed with native Egyptians.

Also recently I’ve come across blog posts by people claiming that most of European royalty from middle ages and later were actually black. For example Bonnie Prince Charlie’s father (forgot his name) and sometimes they show evidence when they just darken the photos of old paintings. Also that blog was pretty racist calling whites “albino” liars who faked historical evidence and produced huge amount of art portraying whites as royalty, it was a big conspiracy just to cover up the “truth” of black Kings of Europe. It is pretty out there.

The last thing I’ve came across are books selling on Amazon by an author who also claims all of the above, but he also aded some claims that old mesoamerican civilization (Olmec I think) were of Black origin.

Both extremes are bad! Whitewashing on one side and blackwashing on the other. We need facts.

And there is a lot of interesting black history, even in old Europe (musicians on Tudor court, or victorian equestrian and circus performer, there was also a black violinist J. Bologne who they called Black Mozart, and A. Dumas was quarter black). Hollywood could do their inspiring stories and not black Anne Boylene.


Also I’ve just found this info:

They are making a movie about “Black Mozart” - Joseph Boulogne
De Saint-Georges.

Finally! This is the type of historical movies I would like to see. I would like to learn about real black historical figures which were obscured in the past.

I don’t need 110th rendition of Tudor’s lives, but this time they are black.


for me because all they have to do is write a totally new movie with the new characters they want, why take something that already exists and make it look ridiculous? it's not as if writers have lack of imagination and cannot write a brand new story, anyone on this board could.

If they want to do a movie with blacks, asians, indians, latinos or midgets in 1620's France or 500's England they can and it wouldn't bother me, just don't call it Cyrano or King Arthur; it's as ridiculous as doing movies about Nigeria or Congo and having white locals in the year 1100. But anyway it's an endless topic.


"If they want to do a movie with blacks, asians, indians, latinos or midgets in 1620's France or 500's England they can and it wouldn't bother me, just don't call it Cyrano or King Arthur; it's as ridiculous as doing movies about Nigeria or Congo and having white locals in the year 1100."

Completely legitimate argument and the wokies know it, that's why they keep crying.


I think a whitened up Viola Davis oughta play Ronald Regan


That would for sure give her another Oscar nomination. 🙌


Not this moronic take again.




No one made this film for you. Go watch Birth of a Nation instead.


Yes, totally ridiculous, but the woke trolls immediately try to silence those with a different opinion, by calling them names and whatnot. They have no argument.
