HONEST opinion....?

I know there are people on here that are hellbent on destroying this movie, but I would like an honest opinion. Is this movie as bad as the IMDb ratings suggest or it at least halfway as decent as the RTs reviews suggest? I would like to know if it is theater quality or if I should just wait to rent.


Just wait to rent


I absolutely hated it. Not funny, not scary, poor chemistry between leads. The only laugh for me came with Dan Aykroyd's cameo. Bill Murray was atrocious. Stay away.


The trailers were bad, but the movie wasn't.

I liked it. It was a solid 7/10 for me.


No! This was MADE for Imax 3D. The effects definitely warrant the theater experience.


If you are fan of Ghostbusters, I say see it in theatres. I enjoyed it! Not my favorite, but still entertaining.


People is predisposed to hate, apprently it's an okay movie


I liked it. Good-natured fun.


I thought it was pretty disappointing, but if you see in theaters, go to a matinee /cheap showing .

The film not worth paying Full Price.

That being said the Hate was definitely waaaay overblown.

Dorothy: Another one to join us on our journey! And what are you missing? Batman: A sense of humor.


I've heard the 3D rocks too. Theater. It's gonna need the support...


It will never live up to the iconic status of the original Ghostbusters, but I had fun watching it. There were a lot of references, cameos, and homages to the original, and this reboot had its own brand of fresh humor. If you had never seen nor heard about the 1984 version and watched this, you would think it's a pretty good summer popcorn flick with a great cast, good action, and creative special effects.

I wish people would just let go of their bias, but this is IMDB after all. Too bad for the prejudiced ones.
"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.


The nostalgia of the original you mean. The original also got mixed/negative reviews. The movie was enjoyable and better than Ghost busters 2.
But GB2 set a pretty low bar, let's be honest.


It will never live up to the iconic status of the original Ghostbusters, but I had fun watching it. There were a lot of references, cameos, and homages to the original, and this reboot had its own brand of fresh humor. If you had never seen nor heard about the 1984 version and watched this, you would think it's a pretty good summer popcorn flick with a great cast, good action, and creative special effects.

I think in actual fact you've given a pretty good argument why this film shouldn't have been made. Btw please don't take what I say too literally as I don't want to come across as some fanatical fanboy. If the original is so good then I fail to see the point in recreating what is essentially a poorer version. Maybe I'm wrong but I sincerely think a lot of the young pre-twelve year old's paying to see this would actually enjoy the 1984 original.

And if we want to see a film where there's female protagonists who are good, strong role models for young girls then make something fresh and original with female protagonists that are so. Don't piggy back of the success and past glories of a pre-existing franchise.And I have watched enough remakes with an open mind to now be of that opinion.


Read me post title loved it


Loved it. Trailers turned me off, like everyone else but really enjoyed the end results.

Stupid in parts? Absolutely. And the scene introducing Hemsworth's character is garbage but its a fun film for the Sumemr period.


I'm having a little trouble understanding your post.

You say the trailer "turned you off" but you paid to see it anyway?

You admit that it was "stupid in parts" and that the Hemsworth part is "garbage" but you loved it?

What am I missing here?

Sonny: Is there a country you'd like to go to?
Sal: Wyoming.
