MovieChat Forums > Last Night (2011) Discussion > This movie would've been SO much better

This movie would've been SO much better

if they cut out all of Sam Worthington and Eva Mendes's scenes.

Keira and Guillaume were perfection!


I think the same, just should have been the story of they


I think you can make an argument for both sides. I was actually very interested in Worthington and Mendes' dialogue only because I thought it would go into a bit more detail. But the movie works the same without their night in perspective, but just knowing he cheated.


100% AGREED OP! Sam & Eva had zero chemistry, Eva has NO charm to her.. It was like she was just reading all her lines.. Nothing behind her eyes. The fact that Michael was supposed to be entranced with Laura but she had no charisma whatsoever and sounded like a drone is silly. Yes Eva is sexy but her acting in this movie blows.


She was soooo bad in this movie. She looked like she was depressed and then she told that story about the bf that died. That drew me in a little bc I grieved for many years over my ex husband after he died unexpectedly. She was lonely but so flat that even her sex appeal was lower. But I guess that was the point because Michael seemed depressed and lonely, too. They bonded over their misery.


I coudn't agree more with what you've said. I think without San and Eva's scenes, the movie would be much more fantastic. Keira and Guillaume's look through their eyes says it all.


No I enjoyed Evas character.
She seemed like she was more trying to fill a void instead of actually falling in love which is another side to cheating. She seemed realistic as a woman who could have who ever she chose a married man maybe she's bitter about what happened to her?
I think she could move on quite fast but wanted him to fall in love with her and wasn't expecting him to not fall to his knees for her. I think she was smart and cunning but chose a happy man, who I thought was too boring for Kiera anyway.


there is no way to make this piece of garbage good.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


... if they cut out all of Sam Worthington and Eva Mendes's scenes.
Just Joanne and Alex rabbiting about old times, with no dramatic interweaving story? LOL! Not a bad way to make a dull movie even duller. Probably need to pad out the movie with more dog-walking.🐭
