Climax (Spoiler)

And the clock keeps ticking and they part ways in the street...Both try not to cry...And then you hope and hope that they don't have to bid farewell, because Alex and Joanna belong together...But they have to...And he cries and she cries when they part ways...Some haunting music, exotic cinematography to match the mood and emotions played with extreme talent by both actors. It's going down as one of my fav scenes of all time...


Yeah, I actually read your comment prior to watching it and I still came out impressed. It was a tough scene to really view, especially if you're in a situation similar to that in your own life.


You have a point.


No sure why everyone is convinced they were meant to be. They had a failed relationship. If they got back together it would be the same thing all over.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


I can see where you are coming from. But the failed relationship was only because of geographical locations. I'm wondering how it would have been if she had moved to Paris. Just thinking aloud.


I disagree. I think it was one of those situations where she needed to get married etc to realize he really was the one.

They fit better. Everything was at ease with them, and he was fascinated by her.


She was there for him - in Paris - a whole two months and he basically just took her for granted and otherwise ignored her while he "finished his book". I am guessing they had "great sex" (maybe every night) during this period.

But she got real tired of his ignoring her the rest of the time - so left and went back to NYC when her paid assignment ended.

Like many egotistical men - only when she left before he was through with her (sexually) did he really miss her. But obviously this didn't occur right away - he did NOT come to NYC to pursue her, back then, e.g.

It is really a shame - and a disservice to Michael - that she was so hurt by Alex that she quickly married Michael to ease the pain caused by the way Alex treated her back then.

If she does divorce Michael, now, will Alex actually treat her better? (Or will it be just the same when Alex and her go back to Paris and HIS life?) Whether they actually get married or not - how long before Alex cheats on her? If Joey was SO jealous of "bland" boring Michael - how can she not be destructively jealous of Alex immediately?


I have seen this movie about ten times now. I think I kind of relate to it and try to understand it on better levels each time. It never gets boring to watch.

Something about him not going to NYC to pursue her, was because she told him that she was marrying Michael anyway, you think? Or did she decide to marry Michael soon after. But I did think it was a little deeper than just the sex. They connected to each other in a way that she an Michael could not.

But I also kind of think that he values her because he doesn't have her in his life.

This post gave me a whole new dimension to watch it again. Thanks for this great post and detailed explanation.


After just watching this movie again - I think they WILL get their chance to be together again.

Hubby saw the wife's high heels and knows she went out last night dressed up - and lied about it.

I think the truth will now come out - "trickle truth" - and they are BOTH too immature to actually remain married to each other - or anyone else.

("You can't ride two horses with one a$$.")


Yes, it is a bright thought. I did notice that he saw her heels and knew she had been out. I did not think of the trickle truth however.


There is another thread here where the script is actually available. I downloaded it and read the beginning, then jumped to the end for any additional details on the ending especially. Instead of the heels he glimpsed her "lacy bra" she had worn last night (same idea) plus she seemed even more hung over and "spacy" - but it also abruptly ended without any clear resolution beyond a little better idea this marriage IS in trouble.


I tried finding the script on Imdbs, but it was unavailable. Please share a link to it. It would be appreciated. I would love to read this script.


It's here:

Hit the green "Download" button to download the script.


Reading it. Thank you!
