MovieChat Forums > The Happytime Murders (2018) Discussion > Throwing in my two cents *spoiler warnin...

Throwing in my two cents *spoiler warning*

Alright, so usually when i throw in my two cents, i usually summarize the movie and i analyze what's good or bad about it. Well I feel for my review, i'm gonna go a different route.

First off, did I like this movie? Nope! I thought the script was so poor, it could've been written by a middle schooler, I thought most of the comedy was forced, and i thought the editing could've made some of the jokes funnier. That being said, their is one good thing about this movie; The puppetry in this movie is amazing! Like, Holy Crap, some of these shots had to take hours to get just set up, with a retake being hell to do! It's amazing what they had probably had to do to get what Henson saw!

So yeah, i don't think too highly of this film, but i saw it with a pretty decent crowd, and they were highly into it. The puppet sex scene in the office, no joke, had people belly laughing out of their seats and onto the floor. They were dying from laughter! Their was a scene that made me belly laugh, and that was when Melissa McCarthy sniffs the sugar, and I don't know what it was about that scene, but it was just so strange, but extremely funny! Unlike most people on this site, I don't hate Melissa McCarthy's stuff, and I like how she went for more subdued in this performance.

Okay, but while i didn't like this movie, the crowd i saw it with made me realize i'm the wrong type of guy for these movies. I'm a cinephile; I watch movies to be challenged, to watch great art, to see what we can do with cinema. This was very clearly not made for me, or most of the people on this site. To us who go to the movies a ton, we've seen bad, good, great, and even okay movies. The people coming to see "The Happytime murders" are not people who go to the movies often, so seeing this movie being so out there, raunchy, and in bad taste, all while using Muppet, is friggin hilarious!

I think this movie could've been better if it went "The Disaster Artist" route, and was about a filmmaker trying to make a Muppet R-rated comedy. I think that movie would be much more interesting. In fact, the behind the scenes during the credits was way more fun to watch than the actual movie itself, and i'd love to see the behind the scenes features on this movie.

It does make me sad that Brian Henson obviously threw his all into making this passion project come true, and in the end, it had a poor script dragging it down so badly. The only way i could see the movie, as conceived by Henson, working is if someone like Mel Brooks sat down with him, and wrote this movie.

Other than that, this movie sucks in my opinion. I know i'm the wrong demographic for this movie, and those who loved it, i can see why you do, and to those who downright hated this movie, i can see why you do. I think it's bad, but I can't hate this movie because i feel what it could have been, and it's downright tragic what it became. This honestly should've died quietly on Netflix. :(

If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to add to this review, let me know down in the comments. I would love to discuss this movie with you! Thanks for reading!


Yeah, the script was pretty infantile. The positive aspects were the excellent puppetry and the noir genre.


parts of the movie could have worked. But some of it felt stretched too thin. Like they were doing it just for the sake of trying to get a laugh. Glad I did not see it in the theater.
