I enjoyed it

I don't understand all the hate for this movie. It wasn't award winning (most movies aren't) but it held my interest from start to finish, the acting was good, and it had a decent ending. The storyline was interesting too. There are definitely much worse out there than this movie.


just watched it had a strange ending I like it sort of had to pay attention to where they where what country and what was in box he sent to french detective


Hauser got the eys and I'm sure he sent the French detective some other body part of that killer Randoku. Don't know why they didn't show which part but whatever it was, it will give him special power. I remember Morgan Freeman saying different body parts gave different powers so he was giving Hauser and the French detective special powers IF they wanted them. Just the fact that Freeman got Randoku and killed him and the others were caught or killed made it a good ending (to me). Edited: Oops, it was an Italian detective, not French. It took place in Rome.


Thanks for that one! ♥
Just checked...the plot sounds good and I like the cast.
Now the evening program is decided.


Hope you like it.


Oh yes, I liked it!
As you already said in your OP, it doesn't deserve an Oscar.
It's a solid serial killer movie, though it has some few flaws.

The cinematography is great, especially the aerial shots.
Director George Gallo is also a musician and painter, what's well to hear and see.
Randoku (Vernon Davis) could've run through Rome for a little bit longer, nice view of both.

At some points the crew had perhaps too much fun filming (smirking victim under the sink ☺).
Doesn't mean that actors in a killer movie must suffer!

Stefano (Cody Lemmon) impressed me the most...probably the youngest crew member
Sorry, I didn't find his exact age but if he's as young as he looks he'll make a career.
He's already booked for "The Faces we see".

The ending while strange, made perfect sense.
You just said it above, Dr. Mackles (Morgan Freeman) explained it.
I think the Italian detective got the brain.
That was NOT a dirty joke about Italian IQ.


Glad you liked it. Oops, you're right, it was the Italian detective who received the package, not French! They weren't in France - I see so many movies I can get certain things confused 😳

I missed the smirking victim. Maybe I'll watch it again at some point in the future.


The girl with the pink hair at the beginning was smirking.
She was rescued alive, the victim of that other criminal.

Rome and Paris are easy to confuse...the cities look somewhat similar.
And now either a Rome fan or a Paris fan will kill me. 😨​


I thought the acting was fine, but the story was pretty weak and a strange ending. I would say it's an average thriller, but worth a watch if you like the genre.
