Incoming Box Office Bomb

Even though the last one was a success, it was not well received by audiences or critics. I can imagine a sequel will not do well.


We'll see.
The Lion King (2019) got mixed reviews and many complained about the "bad" computer animation.
I enjoyed the movie though I'm not a professional lion huntress. 🦁​

Just a personal wish: Please don't sing so much.


I'm just sick of spin-offs. I'm sick of the same old franchises kicking out the same 10 story-variations.


Then don't watch it, as simple as that.
According to the OP it'll be anyhow one of the local mass bombs. 💣​


I disagree.
Plenty of children will want to see this, and plenty of parents will bring them.
I think this will make at least a billion at the box office


Yeah, it's not like parents are gonna take their kids to see Kraven the Hunter.


Yeah but they will take them to see Sonic 3
