MovieChat Forums > Ghost Adventures (2008) Discussion > 3 Shadow Figures or 3 Cult Members

3 Shadow Figures or 3 Cult Members

that were spotted on camera during billy cemetary session. what's your thoughts on that

Also if Jay and Ashley are married why no one of them wear their wedding rings and what bout the eyes we saw appear and disappear at the entrance of the woods.


very strange but with the area they are in could easily be druggies or anyone, still spooky though.

and zaks just release a message saying ashley and jay have split up


I ASSUMED that was the *real* reason that Ashley is no longer working on the show. In one recent episode (I can't remember which), Ashley supposed became so overwhelmed with emotion after being "attacked" by a spirit/ghost/demon, she felt she must completely leave the show. She claimed that she could not go on working in a dangerous environment where she might be physically attacked by entities. Zak mentioned it as part of his super dramatic voice-over at the end of that ep. He said something to that effect: that after her negative experience on that episode, Ashley was so overwhelmed and felt that she would be in danger if she continued working on the show. Zak dramatically announced that because of the horrifying experience encountered by Ashley, this would be her final GA episode.

(Insert Eye Roll)

I turned to my hubby and said "In other words, Jay and Ashley are getting a divorce". Thanks for confirming!


Zak automatically assumes they are ghosts, but you can't say.



I am not sure what that could have possibly been, the three shadows, because no thermal cam was on them so you couldn't get a heat reading and even though Zak "assumed" they were "something else,"you just can't assume that they were not of this realm. And I believe that we only saw the tops of them, meaning that there was a cemetery wall and the bottom half of there bodies could have been covered by said wall.

So I am on the fence about the three shadows because it could have been three people just walking. If course it was creepy looking, but the Crow that flew down and CAWED Billy was real and freaky - considering Crows don't come out at night (unless IT was something else).

As for those eyes, I saw the exact same thing happen in an episode of A HAUNTING and it was EXACTLY the same thing that happened to the G.A. Crew. This was a haunted restaurant and all lights were off and inside a freezer that had huge double-wide, clear glass see-through doors, and the exact same eyes ? showed themselves to the camera. Mind you the freezers were both working and they turned on the restaurant lights to see if an animal could have possibly been in there, but there was nothing. So I do believe that those eyes that the G.A. boys saw could be similar to what I have seen before (free-floating eyes ? that appear and show themselves when someone gets too close)to their lair/nest/area where they/it, the paranormal entity, reside.

I have went back and watched the episode two more times and have few questions as to why they didn't follow through with certain things: Like when Aaron got hurled through the air (I would have loved to have seen the footage from Aaron's camera but Zak had to start choking himself *smh*), and why didn't they stay in the basement and put a thermal cam towards the area where "the entity" was hissing, making voices and noises - boy, did we get to see how much of a WUS Zak is because he didn't want to deal with "the entity" anymore after the ceiling fan was hurled and "the entity" was mimicking peoples' voices and instead of standing his ground and continue to drive it out (as he said that he was going to do), Zak bails and onward they go to the next destination.

By the way, did anyone catch when Zak said: "ROUTE 6666" (he said six four times instead of the normal three. It was obviously a mistake that didn't get caught when editing the contents for the two-hour show). It's a little after the one minute mark ends. Zak and Crew are shown getting off the bus and Zak is announcing into the camera: "Ladies and gentlemen ... Unlike any other episode of the G.A. Crew, we have a very special Halloween planned - our very own ROUTE SIX, SIX, SIX, SIX - beginning in Nevada and headed farther south, but where we're going there's more to worry about than the heat . . ."


If only they would use the darn thermal camera more, more of these questions could have been answered! OMG!! Anytime I watch this show, I believe the thermal camera more than anything else.



This is probably the thing that bothers me the most about these ghost hunting shows. Why aren't their static cams decked out with every piece of video related equipment? They should have IR, thermal, full spectrum, SLS, and whatever else they use.

It'd also be cool if they wore something like a GoPro, or some other head mounted IR camera. Often times, things are seen out of the corner of your eye, or the camera isn't pointed the same direction when something's seen. This would help validate/debunk/discredit these claims. Of course, that last option is probably why they don't do it. Not saying they fake the evidence that's actually captured, but the stuff that happens just off screen? It could go either way.

If these shows were more serious, and not just mainly concerned about entertainment, we could possibly get some real scientifically based answers. These shows have access to more money and potential R&D than your average paranormal group does. They need to take advantage of that.


Now that I think about it, it may be fake (well most). Why do things happen mostly off camera or at the corner? For instance, Brookdale Lodge (actually love that episode) and they see a figure staring out the window. When you look at the camera, after he figures there is something odd; it is on the corner of the screen and then he scans down and that is all that is captured. Now do you not think that if he saw some cold spot, especially a figure, he would have just moved the camera and centered it on the temperature needle? No, he just calls Nick and Aaron over, shows them the evidence and the figure is gone. He should have just kept the darn thing still and waited until the cold mass disappeared on its own.



They were the three people Zak told to stand over there and look spooky when we put the camera on you.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?
