MovieChat Forums > Ghost Adventures (2008) Discussion > Aaron tells what happened with Nick

Aaron tells what happened with Nick

The truth is out! Many people still don't know why so I thought I would share. Short response but answers the question of whether Nick left/got fired and why.


Two-Faced Nick.


I've known this for a few years now but was told not to tell anyone because it was a secret. But yeah, producing the other paranormal show, "Ghost Stalkers," was a breach of contract. A big no-no, so he had to be let go. That's the only reason. There was no 'drama' between Nick and Zak or whatever other nonsense people have been making up on this board over the years.

Hail to the king, baby.


I think there certainly was drama between all of them. There's a tweet Aaron responded to asking if he missed Nick, Aaron said something along the lines of "hell fckn no", someone asked if Zak would ever work with Nick again, Zak said "hell no" as well. And Zak has definitely posted other shady tweets obviously directed towards Nick, essentially calling his show a fraud. And none of them follow Nick anymore or vice versa.


That was all after he was no longer on the show. Not before.

Hail to the king, baby.


My point is Nick was not just simply let go amicably. Even the fact that Nick would work on another show knowing it could get him fired says there were other factors going on and probably a long lead up to the point. Nick liked a post on facebook where someone said he got tired of Zak's sh*t. Zak also said, just because you work on a TV show together doesn't mean it's a good relationship. There was a lot of tension between Zak and Nick in the last episodes and in Aaron's vlogs. I get the feeling working on another show was a case of the final nail in the coffin.


I'm definitely of the mind he may have purposely got himself fired. I've no insider knowledge but I wouldn't be surprised if there was creative differences, a lot went on prior to him leaving, the show changed, Zak's mate Billy got brought in more, the Aftershocks spin-off came along with everybody except Nick involved. It was no surprise that Nick's new show pretty much returned to what he probably thought GA should be, 2 or 3 people in a Lockdown for most of the show.
There was definite upset, as in the tweet listed above by just_a_shot_away, I also saw a sore tweet from Nick's wife at the GAC Twitter & Jon E.L. Tenney regularly called out Zak & Aaron for how they treated their 'brother' till they blocked him.

Using my own life experiences, I once worked in an entertainment endeavor with 3 other people, it lasted 2 years (2008- 2010) and I found it difficult to put up with 2 of them (1 creatively, the other by not carrying his weight and making things harder), would I work with any of them again, 'Hell no!' but I really hope for the best for them in whatever they are doing now, no hard feelings. I hope the former GAC trio can look at it that way too one day if they don't already, after all, they are all doing what they want now and should be happy about it.


Then they are ALL a bunch of bald faced liars. That was NOT the story they have been sharing with fans for the last couple of years. Fake over acted shows & lying to fans? Not very true to the people that have been supporting them all these years. Punks!
And, "No!" I do not watch the show any more. I do HEAR the show because my wife still watches it. "Yes", I do hear a lot of laughing & cursing from the other room while it is on. "Yes", it is my wife doing both. Just thought I'd pop back on here to see the activity.

~^~ "All Games Contain the Concept of Death" James Douglas Morrison ~^~


If Nick's new show was about keeping just three people, like Ghost Adventures should have been; I would probably side with Nick. It seems like Ghost Adventures now is like KFC. It used to be fried chicken (meaning, no other camera crews). Now it is KFC. We have no idea what the heck it is. It is a mess of Billy, Jay, Zak, Aaron, Jay's gf, and whoever else we have no idea about.



oh boy check out these tweets


Zak doesn't like Paradrama, oh wait that's only when he's the one being accused of things.
I had to look up the tweets (from 19th Dec) to check they were legit, no offense to whom screenshotted them but I like to be certain of the facts and reading the replies, anyone that pointed out correctly that Nick also created GA and put in 10 seasons of work was blocked, then he tweeted that Nick was fired and that seemed to mean in Zak's head that Nick has to pretend he was never involved in GA and never refer to it again, another tweet where every responder not agreeing got blocked. Zak loves rewriting history to suit himself and cutting off anyone that says otherwise.
Nick is a former member of GAC and nothing Zak or Aaron say can change history and it does more to hurt them than Nick, judging by the amount people they are having to block.
While Zak's spreading his negativity to his fans, Nick was probably sat at home with his wife wrapping Christmas presents for his daughter's happily getting on with his life.


Couldn't agree more. I'm biased anyway because Nick was always my favorite and I really liked the original format of the show with the lockdown of the three of them. GA steered away from that and when nowadays I here and there tune in, it's always about Diva Zac being possessed and getting goose bumps and yelling and running around like a maniac. He bitches and orders around Aaron who refuses to do things or go to certain places. He's insufferable.

I do enjoy Nick's new show mostly because it's back to the original lockdown format with less drama involved.


I don't post doctored stuff, to let everyone know, it's all real and on Zak's actual twitter. He acts this way, why? Because he's hurt and angry and can't move on maybe.


Like I said it was no knock on anybody, I didn't know who screenshotted them ( I only saw you posted links, good on you btw), I could scarcely believe he was posting such nonsense, I infact legitamised them by crosschecking. I just need to be 100% sure of what I'm seeing and the context before I let rip with criticism. I don't dislike Zak but he was being ridiculous and pathetic to his own followers.


Unfortunately without Nick Zak's ego has gone ballistic ( even more than before).
Now it appears he is a papers width away from declaring himself as a psychic medium. Since Nick left Zak now wanders off " losing himself without time" almost every episode and when you go back to their first few episodes it happened rarely. It's clear trying to top each episode with more totally fake absurdity is ruining the show. Now Billy, former mohawk semi punk Billy, has now become the wandering silently lost type only he cries too.
What happened to the scary locations, EVP's, odd scare fun when it began. Sadly now Zak is publicising himself as the Nemesis of all demons, all of whom know him personally and it's becoming like a ridiculous teenage amateur dramatics farce and i think Nick got out at the right time.
The Route 666 episode had me cringing all through. Zak was speaking to a bystander who said you are a psychic you have the gift. Instead of correcting her he walked off almost aloof saying " i wouldn't call it a gift "! What??
Standing in the Hotel basement he said i can't move, something happened here i feel it but a recap later in the show showed a pentagram scored into the concrete floor. Luckily his psychic powers kicked in when his sight failed to notice it when researching of the basement didn't. Lol

I thought at first a few seasons ago that maybe the channel was pressuring them into adding more gimmicks but in Zak's private life he was embarassingly caught out when he bought the demon house, mentioned it in the show then demolished it saying the demon's knew jim and were dangerous when in fact a freedom of info request by a fan showed he had legal advice to demolish it as he was open to lawsuits by fans who were breaking in to the structurally unsafe building.

I was a fan and i know it's a television production taken with a pinch of salt but as psychologist he's now become a self-promoting Van Helsing of Demons. I think he needs a reality check as he's losing himself in this character and his tv persona is now his personal life, dangerous when your making it up as you go along.

Pity as i enjoyed the show but Nick leaving has left Zak screaming lines from horror movies using it as scripture! LMAO

( Ps should have replied to your show is getting fake post, sorry)


A little off topic but I reckon that is some of the most amateurish art I have ever seen.

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.
