
Over pronounces the word CRE DI BIL I TY in the intro... but then in the show pronounces

Situation as Sidjuation

Its just funny...

I don't mean to be a bully, I'm a dork, Zak is a dork, but he's also a bit of a dufus, maybe even a little sociopathic.



Don't get me started... He's in his own league, with his own language. I spend half the show mocking him. His dumfuqqe affectation of repeating everything someone says to him in question form is very tiring to me. I always want someone to say to him, "I'm speaking English, so what's the problem?!"


He's like Fred Flintstone to Aaron's Barney... where Barney gets an idea and Fred repeats it then says, thank god i thought of that!



Although I'm aware of Zak's mispronunciations, mostly from previous discussions on this board, I don't usually pay that much attention to them. But, at the beginning of the Dorothea Puente Murder House episode, when Aaron and Zak were playing back the EVP session in the isolated washer and dryer area, his pronunciation of "Guarding" sounded more like "Guard-dink". As I said, I don't usually pay that much attention to them, but that one really stood out.


I still laugh at how he pronounced 'Mercury' way back in Season 3 in the Execution Rocks Lighthouse episode.

Honestly he says it 10 or so times in this clip and it gets funnier everytime he says it.


Rofl... Zak pronounces Mercury like Muircury like, Muir Woods...



"Zakisms" From various episodes: "Claudes Dale horse" for Clydesdale "Merquery" for Mercury, "Nuklar" for Nuclear, "Ready-a-tion" for Radiation, are just a few. Check the forum for Ghost Adventures, I do believe there is a Topic Post for it. Enjoy!

~^~ "All Games Contain the Concept of Death" James Douglas Morrison ~^~


Maybe he's not sociopathic, but perhaps he's a little narcissistic. (I guess techinically, though, narcissism is a slight form of sociopathy. Lol. I'm not sure, though; I don't have a recent copy of the DSM near me).

Yes, Zak is slow and methodical with the word "CREDIBILITY" in the intro. Also, I HATE the weird-voice recording they use to echo "understand" just after Zak says "understand" in the intro. It's probably Zak's voice put through one of those voice-changer things. (I don't know what they're called, but they used one to make James Earl Jones into Darth Vader). My husband ALWAYS - without fail - says the same "understand" with a creepy-style voice right at the same time as Zak's creepy-voice saying "understand" at the beginning of the show. It drives me nuts! (I know that's why he does it).

I've never noticed the pronunciation of "situation". That's a new one for me to focus on! Thanks! Hahaha. Lately, I'm just stuck on his pronunciation of "mirror". (He says "meer"). I also always pick up on the bad Spanish and the overuse of derivatives of the word "manifest". Every episode will produce at least 3-5 variations of the word "manifest" from Zak. Turn it into a drinking game. Do a shot each time he says it; you'll surely be drunk when the hour is over. 😜


Another great one, in S13 E13... Zak pronounces the word stalker as stall-ker.

👣 Web


Are you referring to s13e12, because the episode you are referencing technically hasn't aired yet. I say technically because it is a repeat of the Halloween special. This is all clarified in the episode thread.


Ya, I realize that now, yes, the rerun.

👣 Web
