Goose bumps!

When that ball moved.


Ooo yes! And the singing! Very creepy!


CReepiest *beep* was the waterclear sound in the tunnel with Billy... they did not go deep with that place and that audio. dont know why. Probably that was not authentic, because it was little too much!!


It's really strange they didn't even really acknowledge those class A child whispers when Jay was down in the water either. I really think they are starting to fake stuff. Lately when something really eventful happens it's hardly spoken about. Zak goes more crazy over that garbled "I see you" EVP.


It does make one wonder if they are starting to fake some of the things because it is just ODD that they don't acknowledge something that is really great: Like when Jay was boarded up in the St. Anne's cabin alone and something was banging ultra hard to the point that it sounded like the structure was going to break in half. And then afterwards they didn't pay attention to that at all and it had me wondering if they themselves didn't go around and bang the shi# out of the sides of the cabin because that was seriously some freaky stuff going on. Another time that I thought a fake incident took place was at the MacKay Mansion in Virginia City, Nevada and Zak just enters the home and is speaking with the owner and not less than 4 minutes in, Zak was all: "Did you hear that?" And he goes over to the side area and turns on his digital recorder and asks: "Is there somebody here? Can you please tell us your name?? Mr. MacKay thank you for ..." [then Zak just stops rolling on the voice recorder] and what do you know, there is a crystal clear EVP that says: 'Mackay' right after Zak's last sentence of him saying: "Mr. MacKay thank you for" - SERIOUSLY, that seemed so staged and/or planted. It just doesn't happen that easily and so conveniently quick. And EVP's are hard to get and it boggles my mind at just how much EVP's they seem to capture during every lockdown. And, also, on that episode when at the end Zak's voice comes through the walkie talkie that only Aaron and Jay have, well I found out that some pranksters who live up there got on the same channel they were using and played Zak's voice from another episode on their walkie talkies over the same channel and made it sound like something paranormal happened (which was NOT the case). I could go on and on for many other things that have happened on each episode that just are too questionable, but then I know that everyone who is saying the same thing about this "questionable evidence" here, there, everywhere, past and present, are ALSO THINKING THE SAME THING and which is the topic of this thread/discussion. And another thing that needs to be addressed is that skanky bitch, JANIE WASMANN, on the TWIN BRIDGES ORPHANAGE episode who sloppily sat there chomping on her disgusting gum and said that she shoved a child's head into the toilet bowl and flushed it and then Zak asks her: "Do you think any of the kids were killed here?" and the evil witch laughs and says: "Yes I do - All they had to do was backhand them, fall down the stairs AND BANG we lost one more." THIS EVIL SKANK WAS LAUGHING ABOUT INFLICTING CHILD ABUSE - LORD KNOWS WHAT ELSE SHE HAD DONE TO ANY OF THE INNOCENT CHILDREN WHO SADLY HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO BE AROUND HER BECAUSE SHE WAS EMPLOYED THERE AS A MATRON. Too bad the statute of limitations has expired or else I would start a Petition to have her investigated, arrested and charged for her crimes - which she had no problem admitting to all happily and with glee, while chomping on her wad of gum and laughing in her witchy cackle emphysema cough. I would love to fly there and seek her out when she leaves in the dark winter night going to the liquor store for her pack of ciggies and bottle of cheap booze. Yeah, JANIE WASSMAN, YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING YOU SKANKY, EVIL SNATCH ... I HOPE YOU ARE TAKEN DOWN YOU CRUEL, COLD-HEARTED SKANK. I can't believe Zak didn't say anything to her face about her actions and he cowardly waited until the interview was over and she was gone and then he speaks his mind. So last thing here for Zak, if you are so troubled about what occurred to these innocent children why DID YOU NOT STICK UP FOR THEM AND PUT THAT SKANKY WITCH IN HER PLACE?!? *SMH*
I'll see to it that she is paid a visit when she leaves her double-wide trailer and heads out for a carton of smokes; I will be waiting and see that this evil *beep* gets her comeuppance.


Instead of a wall of text, people are more incline to read your post if you include paragraph breaks. Just some friendly advice.


Exactly. I skipped right over.


But the EVPs,
why not use Hi Def, High sampling rate gear instead of those cheap metallic sounding garble boxes. Class A EVP: «GRRshproopSHhhh...» « It said: Zak!!!!»..Dude!.....
