MovieChat Forums > Ghost Adventures (2008) Discussion > The Spider went Straight for my Jugular....

The Spider went Straight for my Jugular....

Really Zak???? Overreact much???? This boy gets on my last nerve....

Bless Their Heart! In the South, saying that makes talking about someone OK. 


That spider was the scariest thing about the whole episode.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


Totally. I'll take snakes over spiders any day & twice on Sunday.


its like the pipes that where like ' an octupus of doom' he is such a drama queen


Hey, they're not getting paid for absolutely _nothing_ to happen . . . they WILL create drama, even if they have to fantasize the cause.


Exactly because he, Zak, talks all serious and slow saying that: "A MASSIVE SPIDER GOES STRAIGHT FOR MY JUGULAR." Seriously Zak, the spider was just crawling on you; it's not a vampire and isn't going to bite your jugular and drain your blood. But after his quoted comment above, he then says, all slow and serious once again that: "IT'S AS IF THE FOREST HAS A WAY OF TRYING TO PREVENT US FROM ENTERING."
Sometimes he sounds like Maury Pauvich when he opens the envelope and says each word all slow and theatrical: "When it comes to, you, ARE THE FATHER!!"
Zak does it at the cemetery when he is talking to Reverend Henry Flores and has his right hand in front of the dude's face and is saying: "IS IT TRUE THAT RICHARD RAMIREZ, THE NOTORIOUS SERIAL KILLER, ETC., IS IT TRUE THAT HE HIMSELF DID SATANIC RITUALS?" AND this happens at the 18 and 19 minute mark and they are standing in between the entrance to the cemetery and you can see that the cemetery clearly has big, iron gates circling it and that could explain the dark three shadows that walked by: whomever they could have been, 3 dudes in dark clothing just walking in front of the gate and Billy's way in the back not able to see underneath the top of the bars because it is nighttime and if three dudes are walking by that's what it would look like. They should have had a van parked out in front with a stationary camera on it that way we would know if it was really 3 guys walking by OR something paranormal. IT STILL GIVES THE CREEP FACTOR, I JUST FELT SORRY FOR BILLY who, I THINK, IS THE COOLEST OF THE COOL!!! I LOVE HIS DEMEANOR AND YOU CAN TELL THAT HE IS GENUINELY A GREAT GUY - ESPECIALLY WHEN HE ADOPTED THE STRAY DOG IN TEXAS - HE'S GOT A LOT OF GOOD IN HIM!!


Its called humor ......IDIOT !!



Who, me? I'm the idiot?

Bless Their Heart! In the South, saying that makes talking about someone OK. 


At least it wasn't another raccoon with it's scary demon eyes...

Sometimes a movie or tv show plot is so stupid that only the stupid can understand it.
