St Annes Retreat

No way I would buy that place!!
What a creepy place! I wonder if these haunted homes for sale, gets sold after it's episode is aired? And would you buy and live in them?


No way.

It looked like a cool place for a camp or some such. But with all that weirdness, not gonna happen.


Looked like the FRIDAY THE 13TH cabins and no way i would set foot at the location.
I loved the cracked bottom of the pool that was tried to fixed by using gaffer tape.


Fortunately, I haven't seen Friday the 13th because I get too scared at those types of movies, but I know the set-up.

The retreat reminded me of a place in the Santa Cruz Mountains where I went for Banjo Camp about 10 years ago. It wasn't haunted, thank goodness, but it was dark as heck.

Maybe the GAC guys put the tape there to cover something dangerous like rebar or a hole of some kind...


I am from good old logan! St. Anne's retreat, or what we call the nunnery, has been under new ownership for over a year now. Its a historical site, so it can't be torn down and is being renovated to rent out the cabins! I would never stay there, i've heard so many creepy stories from friends that have gone up there. I don't exactly believe 100% in these kinds of things, but the nunnery terrifies me.


It does seem like the kind of place that people tell each other stories & the reputation grows beyond reality. Except for those 3 guard guys. I don't really understand that whole deal. I assume the owners expected lots of kids to come up there on Halloween, so they hired security (or more likely someone's cousin's brother-in-law) for a few nights.

Here's a question I have. Usually Zak talks with a person in charge at the beginning of the show, like a manager or caretaker. We don't see one in this episode. Who let them in?

I was happy to see them bring in a medium. I've always thought that would be a logical step in the investigation process & they just don't do it enough. (Poor lady though, her health didn't seem that great.)

This was a very memorable episode. Good job.


I asked that same question about the owner last night. I have no idea who owns it now, or why they didnt show up on the show. But I thought it was odd. I can't say I know anybody who knows who owns it. Which kind of only makes it a little creepier!


I was also surprised they didn't even show a manager or caretaker. But I can't be sure there even is one. They have cameras for security, and good ones at that! Our local police department often posts pictures of trespassers on their facebook page. And in the time it has been under new ownership, i don't really think anything has been done to it. Also - there is a facebook page for the nunnery, if anybody is interested there is info and pictures on that page. :)


Do you know the name of the Facebook page or provide a link? I can't seem to find anything. Thanks.


If you go to Ghost Adventures ORIGINAL FACEBOOK page, not the fan-based one, there are a zillion different comments from everyone about a little bit of everything because A LOT of people really commented on this particular episode and I think it was in response to Zak's question asking everyone "What They Thought Of This Episode?" And I noticed quite a few people who live in Logan provided the links to the various websites you are looking for. Normally I don't read their Facebook page comments because it's like reading 200 posts from his girl fans that say the same thing over and over and it's super annoying, but since I am following them they are in my thread and I noticed a huge amount of comments had been posted so I clicked in there and was delighted to see that it was not all full of what I said above, but, rather, some very interesting comments about Zak needing to stop treating his Crew the way he does, and people were p.o.'d about how the show has went from ghost/paranormal hunting to Zak becoming more focused on doing demonic investigations, and yada yada yada. But, yeah, check it out and through the very interesting and truthful comments you will see that a there are quite a few people who live there that were kind enough to give website addresses for what you are looking for. Good Luck!!
Oh, BTW, I think another poster on here, IMDB, provided a website about the nunnery (so click over there). I have never posted comments on GAC's Facebook page and never did here either until I got pissed after the Halloween Route 666 episode and finally decided to chime in with what other people were saying since it was such a great opportunity to because of all that happened in that episode.


Thank you for the info (i don't have FB...I'm one of those old fart old school cruiser lol!)

reply live near St Annes Retreat? My God i would be too terrified to set foot in that place.
It reminds me of a place down the coast which served as a low rent conference/ cabins place. They had pull the whole place due to major asbestos issues. What a shame, it had a river nearby and lush Australian bush-scapes.


Was that place you are referring to called "CAMP JONES GULCH" located deep in the mountains of Santa Cruz, California? I am from San Francisco and that is where everyone in the 6th grade went to for a week. Even my friends from the San Joaquin Valley all went to CAMP JONES GULCH in their 6th grade year. That was about in 1978, I am guessing, as I am 49 now, but it was my first time ever away from my parents and brothers and although I didn't fare to well the first and second day, I finally came around after the counselors switched me to my best friend's cabin. There were so many kids that were doing things to themselves so that they could go home. It was a little culture shock at such a young age when you have never been separated from your family and forced to stay in a cabin with people you didn't know, as they had another school, 6th grade class, blended in with ours. What gave me the creeps were the showers and bathrooms because there was no privacy as everything was open and when you are that young and are used to a sheltered life and then exposed to those situations it was jarring. But, as I said, once I was placed in my best friend's cabin I felt more secure and each day and night became better and better. The Santa Cruz mountains are beautiful and I still go up there every month to escape the hustle and bustle of City life.
Although I have not been back to Camp Jones Gulch since 6th grade's Science Camp you have me wondering if that is the place you mentioned and I can only imagine how run down and old it would be today because it's always cold, wet and no sunlight is ever in there because of how deep in the mountains it is and everything was covered by the Giant Redwood Trees. Ghost Adventures were there at a haunted location called "BROOKDALE LODGE." That is the episode where Zak brought his dog, Gracie, to participate in the lockdown.


That could be the place. I don't remember the name of it. Sounds very traumatic for you! It wasn't necessarily run down or shabby or anything. It was quite beautiful until dark--the darkest I've ever seen! Yes, it was wet, too, but it was January. There were many buildings spread out at different altitudes, so it was totally hiking (which I hate) to go from one to another...while carrying a heavy-ass banjo! After that, I bought a backpack strap deal.

Yes, I saw the Brookdale episode.
