MovieChat Forums > Ghost Adventures (2008) Discussion > That was a pretty good episode

That was a pretty good episode

Reminded me of the earlier seasons


Very good episode!


Very entertaining


Although that was just WRONG ? sending Jay down those steep steps with no lights and the disastrous consequences that occurred as a result AND THEN TO ONLY, UNFORTUNATELY, HAPPEN AGAIN when he was crashing into everything in the dark basement and ultimately going down into a shopping cart!! I hope you are feeling better Jay; that was messed up to send you down there and I felt bad when you hit your head so hard when you went down the stairs and really banged your head hard into the door. Thank God you didn't hit your temple area or else it would have been much worst. And, as always, the kind and ever-sweet Billy goes to make sure his friend is okay!! I have always liked Billy; you can just tell that he is a really great guy - AS WELL AS JAY TOO. And, of course, can't leave out hilarious Aaron and thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


I never understood why they send people with nothing but that chest camera.


Totally a d*ck move on everyone's part to send Jay down there with no light. I can't imagine trying to get down the stairs in total darkness. And of course Zak again locked Aaron in the scariest place because Zak was a second away from pissing his pants and had to get out of there.


So very true. Say what you like about 'Ghost Hunters' but at least they investigate safely, in pairs with flashlights when they are moving about as you are supposed to, its an unwritten rule of the game. Being on your own & blinded by darkness isn't gonna bring out anymore activity than if you weren't.

At least Jay didn't start yelling for everyone to run to him or claim he was pushed down like Zak probably would've done.

Sorta was a sour taste to end an otherwise decent episode on. Season 13 is turning out real unlucky for Jay so far.


In reference to your last paragraph, I totally concur that it was an unfortunate end to a decent season, Season 13, as to the whole disaster of carelessly sending Jay into the basement with absolutely no lights and when he went down hard the first time and really hurt himself, then to carelessly TURN AROUND AND LET HIM GO BACK INTO A CLUTTERED BASEMENT WITH CRAP EVERYWHERE AND THEN JAY WENT DOWN HARD, AGAIN, INTO A SHOPPING CART THAT HE OBVIOUSLY COULD NOT SEE BECAUSE ZAK JUST SENT HIM DOWN THERE WITH NO LIGHT AND ALL THAT CLUTTER IN THE BASEMENT IT WAS A DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN. And, as we saw, that is exactly what happened!! There was no point in even having this footage shown because nothing "paranormal" happened and I think as Zak, being the LEAD INVESTIGATOR, should have not even had put this on the episode because it was completely irrelevant and the only thing it showed was how fuqqed up it was for Zak to NOT ONLY DO THAT, but then to air it when it showed nothing but how WRONG THAT WAS TO DO THAT TO JAY. (As if him crashing down the stairs and banging his head super hard and his body barreling down those steep stairs and crashing into the door the first time, but then for Zak to turn around and send him into the most cluttered basement with stuff everywhere and no clear path for him to move about in pitch black darkness AND THEN FOR IT TO ONLY HAPPEN AGAIN WITH JAY CRASHING HARD INTO THE SHOPPING CART.) IDK ABOUT ANYONE ELSE, BUT I DON'T THINK BARRELING INTO A METAL SHOPPING CART IN TOTAL DARKNESS WOULD BE CONTUATIVE TO LOOKING FOR ANYTHING PARANORMAL - SO IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN REMOVED ALTOGETHER AS THERE WAS NO POINT IN SHOWING IT EXCEPT TO PROVE THAT ZAK, AS LEAD INVESTIGATOR, IS A D#CK FOR DOING IT ALTOGETHER.


Originally Posted by kanyon18080:
Reminded me of the earlier seasons.
The episode had a good creepy factor and the location somewhat unique compared to other recent episodes due to the third floor being closed off for 20 years. Seeing Aaron jump from one side of the hallway to the other in order to keep his back away from any open doors was priceless.

The issue I have with this and all recent seasons is when they try to tie a neat little bow around the sounds that come out of these questionable devices. They take the thinnest of fragments, create detailed sentences of pure speculation and present them in a conclusive manor to build a string of unprovable facts.

For example, in this episode the Paranormal Puck 2 spits out "crossover" and then the word "tub", which is the order they were displayed on the device. Billy says, "Tub crossover could have been a suicide in a bathtub". That conveniently ends up in, "Is it possible that a spirit named "Karen" committed suicide in the bathtub where Bailey now lives? And is she receiving "help" from us by communicating through this "phone" experiment?" This ultimately ends up under the umbrella of "substantial evidence". And, in other situations they completely ignore other words that appear on the display because they do not fit the narrative. 

In addition to being the host, executive producer and part of the investigation/lockdown crew, Zak is also listed as the co-lockdown editor/writer. Besides to be used as filler, I'm not sure why Zak would choose to include Jay getting injured. Perhaps if it was framed as a warning to others of the perils of paranormal investigating, but that wasn't the case. Zak did seem to get an unusual amount of enjoyment from this incident.

For example, as Jay leaves Nerve Center without a flashlight to go to the "dark dangerous bowels of this extremely haunted hotel", Aaron says, "Better him than me" to which Zak responds with, "Better him than any of us". Being that neither one volunteer for the mission, you might think they would show some restraint when Jay stumbles on the last step going into the basement, hits his head "pretty hard" and is laying there groaning. What does our intrepid heroes immediately do? They sit there laughing and eventually Billy goes to help Jay. But then, "After a little recovery time, Jay chooses to carry on like a trooper" and enters the basement only this time he finds himself with another head injury under a metal shopping cart. Switch to the Nerve Center camera where Aaron has his hands over his eyes, Billy and Zak are smirking. While Jay continues to groan, Aaron stands up and a moment later followed by Billy to go help Jay.

At the end of the episode Zak says, "You can only watch a man fall down so many times before throwing in the towel" and a moment later, "we will walk away with a few cuts and bruises". Jay is lucky if he didn't walk away with a concussion.


Just replying because its the only way to rec your post. I don't disagree with any of that at all. I enjoy Ghost Adventures but alot of it has to be taken with a pinch of salt. I've no idea where the sudden fear has come from either, Aaron used to be scared but then they all became fearless competent investigators, but since Nick left, they've all become more fearful especially Zak. They were all scared of the basement, if it's that scary that's where we want to see some investigating but there was none.


I hadn't considered whether there was a correlation between Nick's departure and the increase in fear. I suspect you are right. Certainly the theatrics have increased. When the show shifted from three to four investigators the dynamic changed a lot, and not always for the better. To paraphrase something that Katrina said to Nick, either you accept that you are going to be a spirit punching bag or get out of the business, and don't look back.

As to the basement; I wondered about that, too. After having gone through all of that with Jay, why didn't they go back -- even if it took all of them holding hands -- why not do a proper investigation in the basement. Did you notice that all four of them were scared to go in the basement, ultimately resorting to odd man out to get one of them to go down there. But, as soon as Jay was hammered on the head with a shopping cart, Aaron and Billy fearlessly went into the scary basement to assist Jay.


Yeah I'm going off memory but things seemed to change with the Zozo Demon episode (coincidentally the last one they filmed with Nick), more fear, more demonic hauntings, like the show had changed direction possibly to please the audience with a more 'scary' feel. I don't think they were scared of the basement at all, it just made for good TV.
The other week Zak posted this on his Facebook Page, which felt like a retconning of Ghost Adventures to fit with the current direction as well as a shot at making other ghost shows sound foolish and not as legit.

I feel as though it's important for me right now to explain something regarding demonic investigations of ours. Above and beyond the paranormal investigating world, NOT JUST ON PARANORMAL TV, WE investigate more demonic hauntings than anyone else. PERIOD. THIS IS FACT. When it comes to demonic hauntings ladies & gentlemen you don't just walk around with EMF meters and gadgets while doing measurements of energy or asking for them to flicker your flashlight while creatures from hell just sit in front of you and cooperate by asking their leader Satan, "hey my fellow demon friends let's make sure we give good evidence to these investigators who have decided to visit us on their meters and answer all their questions" to your K2 meters giving you your "scientific readings" then you write your evidence down on a notebook pad and go home to fix yourself a nice supper while happily going to bed to dream about puppies and ice cream. Going to investigate demonic infestations is like walking into a cage full of lions infected with rabies, your not just gonna walkk around and take photos for evidence then happily leave unaffected. Your going to leave that cage with marks on your soul. especially when we are already scarred, opened and vulnerable in terms of our sensitivity from past investigations. We are like open wounds that never heal from overexposure. Let me explain something to you all, when you investigate demonic hauntings, places where DOCUMENTED cases of possessions and attacks occur, OVER AND OVER, week after week, YEAR AFTER change. you get effected emotionally. you can be controlled. We are at a deeper level of investigating because our bodies, our spirits, our minds have been possessed by this dark energy over and over, time after time, overexposed. Demons are not human spirits, they dont simply answer our spirit box question then stay where they're at. Demons are like diseases, they inject into you and it's up to them how long your symptoms last.

OUR "Ghost Adventures", the TV SHOW, is actually an experiment to see what happens to a team of 4 guys when they overexpose, overdose on demonic investigations over the course of 10 years, NON-stop, FULL-TIME, no long breaks. We are unlike anything you have ever seen before, I dont say that with ego, I say that because we are the ones who know what we go through, the medical sicknesses/ ailments, the families that are effected from this, the broken marriages, the oppression, the depression, the possession....this isnt just for your entertainment, this is for real. We know the risks, we accept them, we do this cause we are drawn to these powers and sometimes the actual evidence is what happens to US.

This isnt just a television show where a producer off-camera is telling us to do things, I am in full control of this show that documents our REAL-LIFE JOB of being investigators of demonic hauntings.

Demons are god-like forces that have the ability to intelligently manipulate the living body and bend you to your will. I am STILL dealing with effects from my 2 year long investigation into the Demon House in Indiana.

We will go through periods on GA where we start doing too many demonic investigations in a row like now where we have to stop and switch up our locations to heal ourselves from what has attached itself to us. My friend Ashley who is Jay Wasley's Wife, have been separated ever since the Route 666 Halloween Investigation. It is me who has to witness my friend who was attacked and is still dealing with an attachment and who has had to quit the show because of this. It is me who has to see her crying asking me for help and what to do. When we go looking for demons, we call upon them, we challenge them, we conjure them, we make contact with them...we will be effected by them. My show, Aftershocks, SPECIFICALLY dealt with countless people, from doctors to teachers, who needed my help from their demonic attachments cause Ive been through it, I know what they do, I understand that it may look crazy to others who just dont understand what can happen under a demon's hold. This isnt going to be a mutually understood interaction where we have a deal where they give us scientific evidence and then we walk away unscathed. Demons are not just objects that will be simply detected by gadgets and gismos, they are tornadoes of hell that will prey upon you, your soul, your personal lives and wreak havoc in your life like an evil virus infecting your computer. I just felt as though I needed to really try and help some of you understand what we are doing are things that arent simply understood by you, and also to us. and thats the dangerous part that we have agreed to explore. We are explorers into the veils of darkness who open the curtain and ask the beast to play. I have seen friends of ours so severely affected by doing the same things we do that they are no longer here with us. We all are deciding to take a long break from demonic investigations until all of us are fully healed from our Halloween, and other investigations. Thank you all and again, I just felt this was important for me to express to you all

Not all paranormal investigating is dark, evil and demonic. Not all locations are dark and ugly. We have been to many beautiful locations where our investigations are not always demonic in nature rather they are with human spirit are positive. Like the Tor House in Carmel or the La Purisma Mission. These places have left me feeling amazing. The history behind them is what draws me in. I just want you to understand the differences between them. Heaven and hell.


