Re: Seattle Demon House

To the person who continually posts the same links over and over as proof that the hauntings are real, please explain how. You post and run away.

I watched this video: https:/ and found nothing that couldn't be explained/debunked. I went so far as take notes with time stamps with my concerns. Quite frankly, I'm finding myself on the side with GA.

I get it, you're posting links that people must be telling you to post, but I am one that believes wholeheartedly that the supernatural exists having experiences of my own.

Please, satisfy my curiosity why you take the links you post as gospel when so much of it can be explained away. In my eyes, the investigators are mostly relying heavily Keith's word. The evidence shown could all be off camera, and honestly, that's what I believe.

I'm sorry, I heard no demons. If his home was built on Native American ground, why just this one house? Also, citing Fox News is about as credible as any grocery store checkout rags. It is said that Keith set up cameras that he could control through his laptop.

Please set me straight. Please help me believe. Don't post and run as that kinda makes me think you have nothing but the same videos posted many times and don't make me a believer. If need be, I'll help you out by posting my findings from watching your links and you can help me believe evidence that I feel is easily debunked.

Thank you kindly for your time.

"I like him. He says 'okie dokie'." ~ Dean Winchester


So, seeing as though I received no answer regarding the Seattle house, I'm going to lean toward the GA team. A poster that posts debunkable links and runs away without explanation probably knows that they are trying to sell us bulls**t. Please, tell me I'm wrong. Oh, wait, you don't answer when people ask questions. Thanks. Your silence confirms my suspicions. Have a good weekend!
