Just for fun thread!

In the STUDUST opps i meant STARDUST episode, i have one question for Samurai Sword man..when you killed E.T and friends did their bodies disappeared like in STAR TREK (where got beamed by Scotty) or did they simply disappeared with a big POOF sound effect with a cloud of smoke? Just asking ??????

Come on have a giggle and write something fun! Honestly this episode was so unintentionally funny..go for it!


Ha, I didn't get what that guy telling the story was saying? Was he saying if he kept the head on the aliens they would disappear?/ Or if it was off it would? If it was one or the other why not leave it so they would remain whole so he could take it in to be studied? I kept thinking of him killing the aliens & them poofing into dust like the vamps in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or something!

The guy did say that he had some samples of the aliens when he killed them off of his sword... while I do believe in conspiracies & Men in Black kind of stuff to a degree, I guess that was what was implied about the scientist that died in the lab who had the samples? That the goverment ended him & made it look like an accident? I even feel like I read about this exact case somewhere before.

It was so strange! I had to laugh at another posters's post about the sword lady reminding her of She-Ra. :P

I dind't mind GAC doing an ep. like this but I do hope they don't make a habit of it. I prefer ghosty things.

What am I always telling you? You must pay no attention to what I say.


Let's hope G.A gives us a good serious episode this week.
Without She-Ra and Swordman (not forgetting the dude on hill singing the theme from Close Encounters haha)


Originally Posted by dazzaler44:
Let's hope G.A gives us a good serious episode this week.
On "a very special investigation", that's how the episode is described, Zak and crew are at Zak's new Las Vegas museum.


I believe the bodies just ooze into the floor without leaving a stain on the carpet. I don't buy the "Puff of Smoke Theory." But then you never know, I mean after all, they ARE Alien. (I'm not sure what that Samurai Dude is though.) Lol!

~^~ "All Games Contain the Concept of Death" James Douglas Morrison ~^~


That museum episode was a snooze-fest, IMHO.
