MovieChat Forums > Reptile (2023) Discussion > Such confusion - spoilers....

Such confusion - spoilers....

I read a couple of pieces about this movie and one where he commented on the title - that reptiles shed their skin and become anew, or something like that - that people change.

And here is where some of my confusion lies what was the purpose of the shed snake skin in the house by the window? Also, what did the wax peel of Benicio's hand represent? Made no sense to me.

Also, at one point (I think it was during the dinner scene later in the movie), Benicio's wife looks at him as if she knew of the corruption that was going on and may have even been a part of it - which only added to the confusion of the wax peel of Benicio's hand - it made me think he was also shedding skin but who knows into what.

I get the use of red herrings, but to merely use them apparently to only confuse an audience to a complete fog isn't a good use of them, IMHO. In uses like this, it seem to be done more out of lazy writing than creative writing.


the wife knowing or not knowing was one of the issues in the movie. it could have gone either way. I thought the hand waxing at the end showed that they were still together and the she definitely didn't know what was going on.


Summer is the first reptile in this story, as her back tattoo symbolizes. She tries to shed her skin and become anew by leaving her fiancé, Will. Deep down, she knows it could be deadly as her dream implies. It only makes sense if she is aware of the real estate scam and the corrupt local authorities' involvement. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out her girlfriend is their snitch.

The snake skin in the house and the trace of rats show that the house has not been used for quite some time. As we learn later, the scam involves infesting drugs in the house so that it gets taken as civil asset forfeiture. Then, Will's company buys it at a dirt-cheap price and resells it for a higher price. All of this takes time in the process and covers up.

The wax peeling scene shows that Detective Benicio is recovering from his wound. However, it may also symbolize that he is the second reptile in this story. He becomes anew by no more turning a blind eye to the corruption surrounding him.

I enjoyed the movie and hope my explaining clear your confusion. What do you think?


Thank you for your comments. They did add more texture to the movie. I wonder if this is one of those movies where more things are revealed with additional viewings and that would also include piecing together out-of-order segments and also to check if the sequence of events is more clear.

As I sit here, I can't remember if Benicio's hand was injured all through the movie or just after he was injured (my memory is cloudy because, though I am probably wrong, I thought his hand was bandaged during times prior to the big reveal at his boss's house).

Again, thank you for your response.


I'm pretty sure his hand was already injured at the beginning of the film. I remember his wife taking the bandage off while he was laying down. It was probably re-injured during the shoot out at the end. I also think that it was pertinent that she was bandaging his hand again at the end as it shows they were staying together. I don't think she had any idea about the corruption. For a little while I thought maybe, but by the end I felt sure she didn't.

I liked this movie very much. I especially liked Michael Pitt's role. He is so good in whatever part he plays, no matter how different the types of characters are.


Yes, it was, but I will have to watch it again to determine if there were out-of-order sequences because of the hand waxing and whatever sort of metaphor or symbolism that was, is lost on me and made little sense (unless I'm missing something).


I found this: "That image puzzled many viewers, wondering if that scene hides a darker explanation. But the simplest solution is always the most reliable: that was a paraffin wax bath, commonly used to provide relief to muscles and joints. Nichols had his hand injured since the beginning of the movie. However, seeing his wife removing the wax from his hands seems again a metaphor for shedding skin, reconnecting to the movie title."


Thank you.....




how does infesting a house with drugs make it lose value?


The overall value would increase for sure. 🤣


“Infesting” is not the right verb, but the idea is that the houses are seized by the state and later sold at auction, certainly fetching a lower price than if they were being sold by the owners directly.


i am still not sure how that worked.


If a house or a car is used in drug crimes, the state can legally confiscate it, and later sell it at auction. Most people wouldn’t buy a house in an auction, because I imagine you can’t finance it, you probably have to pay the full amount right away - but if you have deep pockets you may be able to buy it below market value and quickly sell it for a profit.


who killed summer?


Wally Finn


he stabbed her 33 times for some reason.


Yes, that is right. Wally is a police officer who knows all too well how murder investigations work. In addition to stabbing her 33 times, he also left a God-knows-whose bite mark on her hands. Leaving such clues is intended to mislead the investigation.
