MovieChat Forums > The Butler (2013) Discussion > This is why Racism still exists....Also ...

This is why Racism still exists....Also plagiarism.

I loved the movie The Butler. I like anything to do with The White House. I have read extensively about its history, it's provenance in the United States. But this movie was blatently and openly hostile in its racism. First of all Cecil Gaines is not real. Eugene Allen WAS. Who was a butler and a matre` d in later years. He didn't have a son that was beaten in riots, his mother was not raped on a plantation and his father was not shot and killed. All made up for the movie. HE was not there when Jackie returned in her blood stained dress. There was no pay discrepancy between black butlers and white butlers as was made a focal point for Gaines leaving in 1986. Why? Because there was an Equal Pay law on the books since the 60's LOL All these little incidents he put himself in, he was not there for. Now, interestingly enough there was a book released in 1972 by JB West, the Chief Usher from 1945 - 1971. The book is called "Upstairs at the White House". It's an old out of print book. Can't find it. I happen to have a rare copy. A lot of whats in the movie can be taken word for word out of this book. Only instead of it happening to JB West, it happens to "Gaines". JB West was white by the way. Maybe Lee Daniels thought no one would notice or think we wouldn't have this book. But we do. Plagiarism at its finest.
In his book, West, mentions a lot of butlers, a lot of them black, From Claunch, to Ficklin, to Alonso Fields...But not once is Eugene Allen, whom this movie is based on, mentioned. Nor is it in another book by a black lady who wrote a book after being at the White House for 60 years. This Eugene Allen, probably just kept to himself and did work there for that time, but is unremarkable at best. Stop stealing stories to make racism where it isn't. Parents weren't murdered or raped. Son wasn't beaten in a riot, Son wasn't a civil rights fighter or congressman. So what do we have left, well there is one thing in this movie that is a fact. There is in fact a building in D.C. called, The White House.


Well, we still do have ethnic (African-American) servants, but not racistly treated today as much as then (we even have had a few African-Americans and Hispanic. Never a single racism toward them, and they're our equals..We're not even masters..we think of our helpers and maids just like the whites on The Brady Bunch (Alice)_ and such.)

In short, we've HUGELY changed from 55 years aog and more.
