MovieChat Forums > The Butler (2013) Discussion > Really? "Lee Daniel's The Butler"?

Really? "Lee Daniel's The Butler"?

How arrogant is that? In that case then all movies should be named so. "James Cameron's Titanic"; "John McTiernan's Die Hard"; "Frank Darabont's The Shawshank Redemption": "The Coen brothers No Country for Old Men"; Woody Allen's Annie Hall. Etc, etc.
Must be pretty desperate to make his name a brand.

Next: "Lee Daniel's Oprah book club inspired movie project about some social cause that is a good concept to make a carreer on the back of - despite it having a very thin story and characters - as long as it's a cause we all believe in, it'll make money (working title).


Read the trivia section. They had to put Lee Daniel's name on it because there already is a movie entitled The Butler.


You could also... you know... change the name of your film.

And that didn't seem to stop Disney from making a film called "Frozen" after a film with the same name had almost been made about three skiers stranded on a chairlift.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


Good point., I remember the discussion over the presence of the director's name,. back when it came out!


agree 100% and only came here to post about the exact same thing. this is a straight up dick move. It's like he's trying to put himself above the movie itself.


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