JFK was a pos.

This movie is such a biased lying liberal cesspool. It portrayed JFK, a scumbag, as a compassionate good man. When history clearly CLEARLY says otherwise. He cheated on his wife. He dishonored his family. He dishonored the White House because he cheated on his wife in the White House. He wasn't a civil rights leader of any kind, especially given the fact that, and not many know this because the education system is ran by crazy revisionist historians who are left wing democrats, he voted AGAINST the civil rights act of 1957. JFK was a disgusting power hungry racist dirtbag, and the fact this movie glorifies him as some kind of humanitarian hero is just a flat out lie and pathetic. I take nothing away from the fact that he was assassinated though, which is horrible, but this movie was just a flat out lie, and on more things than just JFK.


Well if you had bothered to take a closer examination, JFK did say to Gaines that he didn't completely comprehend the situation that his brother was so compassionate about concerning civil rights until he saw what was going with video coverage. He had a change of heart. 1957 was before he was in office, so he might have changed forreal, calm down.


Are you seriously that naive? He was a racist you fool. And don't tell me to clam down. This is civil rights we are talking about here, not some petty schit that can just be passed off if you reject it. JFK was a racist scumbag who didn't care about anything but power and himself. He didn't even apologize or give any sign or remorse besides trying to buy the votes of blacks once his party changed direction on civil rights only because they knew it was change or die. It's obvious that's how it was, only about power, because he even cheated on his wife and did so till the day he died. Moreover, the only reason you still defend this racist who cheats on his wife and does so in the White House is because you were taught to do so by your democrat masters as a child in school. And what do you know, JFK was a democrat and the school's system, ran by democrats, glorified him, what a convenience huh? You are the problem with America, you are the gullible fool, the perfect low information voter stock the demokkkrat party desperately needs to stay in power.


Why shouldn't people be gullible fools, if it pays off?


Did you know JFK cheated on his wife?


He's still better than Obama


BOOM! hahaha




The intent of this film was to pimp cowardly leftist propaganda. That's it.


Let me guess, you're a republican and you hate what he did for black people. I got it.


As the OP's handle is MalcomX-, etc, your assumption may be as full of bias, narrow thinking, and hasty conclusions as his.


I am a Republican, and lean Conservative - Libertarian. Your issue with liberals is understandable.

But I think that you have not accurately described JFK.

Here, in his own words, he has clearly described his position and corresponding action(s) concerning inequality in America. I think it is incredibly shallow to minimize the overall message and try to claim that "liberal revisionist historians" are trying to change the facts about the horrible way that blacks were treated in his time.


I don't think that his womanizing and other less honorable exploits diminishes the value of his contribution to the pursuit of Liberty in America.

"If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!"


I lead conservative and Republican, too (maybe even Libertarian) and you summed made a good counterpoint to the original post.


I had seen a JFK documentary where they say that he was actually addicted to drugs at some point while he was president.

I found it interesting because no where else had I ever heard of that before.

Makes you wonder how many presidents were on drugs or alcohol...


Besides a serious back problem, he also had Addison's disease.


As a naval officer in the South Pacific, President Kennedy was gravely wounded in combat. He suffered debilitating pain for the rest of his life. This film is one of the few that actually depict that: the president lying on the floor to relieve his wrecked back, and making a joke with the main character about how many pills he took every day.

There's a difference between being drug-addicted and drug-dependent. Kennedy had a well-documented chronic condition that required him to take large quantities of a lot of stuff that's addictive. He didn't have a drug problem. He had a medical problem.


There's a difference between being drug-addicted and drug-dependent. Kennedy had a well-documented chronic condition that required him to take large quantities of a lot of stuff that's addictive. He didn't have a drug problem. He had a medical problem.

Agree! It's unfortunate that folks think if you take narcotic drugs you are an "addict" when in many cases it is necessary to alleviate severe pain so one can live life without being in so much pain you just want to stay curled up in bed with pain. In moderation people on drugs such as morphine are not impaired mentally or physically for activities of daily living.

My favorite: Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


According to the historian Michael Beschloss, he did indeed had a change of heart before dying, and gave that big speech on national television about how the question of civil rights needs to be addressed, thus positioning himself publically on the same side with the protestors. Also the movie never says that he was rooting for civil rights from the get go. It clearly points out that he slowly changed his mind about it.

All politicians are disgusting power hungry dirtbags, so that part of your post is of course true (and that is true for every president, past present or coming). It doesn't mean they aren't capable of sympathy and other basic human emotions despite their flaws. I think JFK would've propably demonstrated more sympathy towards you than you towards him.


Ha ha ha ha, please let's hear more of your ideas.
