MovieChat Forums > The Butler (2013) Discussion > Which actor did the best job portraying ...

Which actor did the best job portraying a president?

For me, it was John Cusack as Nixon. The worst (not bad, just the least impressive of them all) was Robin Williams as Eisenhower. Didn't change his voice or anything.


Don't you mean Which actor did the WORST job portraying a president?

There's not much to go on as far as Robin Williams brief portrayal of Eisenhower goes, but the actor who played Kennedy was unconvincing. He may have passed for a young Kennedy in his 20s, but certainly wasn't right Kennedy as president. But it all got a lot worse from there. In particular, I'm talking about John Cusack as Nixon. In what way does Cusack possibly resemble Nixon (apart from being male) ? He didn't wear a prosthetic face or even do a Nixon voice. He was just himself and we were supposed to accept him as being President Nixon, WHAT THE *beep* ? Lastly; to top it all off, we had Alan Rickman doing an extremely bad Ronald Reagan.

I just found it all astonishing how bad the choice of actors were for all the presidents.


Indeed we don't have much to go on with Williams as Eisenhower, but what we saw just reminded me of Robin Williams at the end of the movie “Jack”.

James Marsden as JFK didn't exactly look the part

John Cusack as Nixon was pretty good, not perfect, but he did get the voice down, and his nose looks a little bit pointed to me in the movie. The hairline didn't have that "Bruce Willis in Die Hard" recession going, but he looked and acted convincing enough for me.

Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan and Liev Schreiber as Lyndon Johnson were among the better portrayals.


the problem with Williams, for me, is that he looked more like Harry Truman than Eisenhower..

Cusack was probably great as Nixon, apart from the sheer facial physical difference was probably just too high a fence to climb..


Good call on Williams looking like Truman, didn't occur to me until now.

Cusack was great as Nixon. He had the voice down and looked fairly similar to Nixon during his younger days as Vice President, but not so much like Nixon during his own presidency. Again, Cusack's hairline was too full to resemble Nixon's.


I thought Alan Rickman was spot on!
