MovieChat Forums > The Butler (2013) Discussion > This is Manipulative Left Wing Reverse R...

This is Manipulative Left Wing Reverse Racism

I'm not a Racist but...
Just kiddin this is actualy a mockery of all those reverse racism screaming
uneducated idiot bigots who will tell you on every movie that deals with history,
in a not so rosie Sunshiny way that it spoils a new kind of racism against poor
pale people. Also a new kind of cliché is that they will tell you that oh hey check you facts because it wasnt as bad as most people say cause there was this person or that group that actualy was responsible for the help or the evil... whatever.
Is there Reverse Racism ? No! and he will tell you too=

[Excuse my english im not Canadian/American/English/Australien/whatever...]


This movie still sucks. And most Spike Lee r pretty *beep* to. I'm bit saying its racist but it's still crap


He got game, Malcolm x and do the right thing are excellent.


It's historical fact that there was segregation and racism. But in the day to day lives of ordinary people, it wasn't always a bad event followed by a bad event. Movies dramatize things and compress major events.

It's only recently that it's been made illegal to pay women less because they're women. Have you seen women rioting in the street, peaceful protests, anguish and hardship? No. There is anguish, there was hardship (and will continue to be, since low pay results in low Social Security....there's no making up for a lifetime of low pay), but it's the quiet daily suffering of people who must accept what is, and make the best of things. That's the way segregation was.

BTW...ordinary white people were sometimes sympathetic with the situation. Recognize that they weren't the ones who passed the laws. Everyone lived with laws then, as now, that many didn't understand or like. Oh, sure, there were redneck bubbas and the KKK. Most southerners weren't part of that and didn't agree with that. In the small southern towns, the whites and blacks knew each other and got along. So yes, it was bad and wrong and immoral and horrible....but not as depicted in dramatic movies or in bigger cities. Things are a little different, when you actually know people one on one. There was a bigger problem with young white cycle ruffians than a black issue. Blacks had learned to make do with the way things were, just as women on low Social Security from a lifetime of low pay make do with the way things are.

Unfortunately, I think an older generation of blacks has imparted things to the younger generation a false impression and an excuse to blame their failures on racism that doesn't exist like it used to.


I'm sorry but unless you lived in that particular time period, you shouldn't make those kinds of generalizations. My father is Mexican and was born in Texas in the late 1930s. His family moved to California in the 40s to work at the migrant farms.

Fast forward to the 70s and one of his cousins came for a visit to California. My dad took him to Walgreens for lunch one afternoon and my dad took a seat at the counter. His cousin begged him to move to seating towards the kitchen because he feared they would be arrested (or worse) for sitting in the "wrong" section. This was in the 70s and they weren't even black.

For you to imply that events are exaggerated simply because you've never witnessed or experienced it first hand is disingenuous and if you ask me, pretty damn ignorant.


It's only recently that it's been made illegal to pay women less because they're women. Have you seen women rioting in the street, peaceful protests, anguish and hardship? No. There is anguish, there was hardship (and will continue to be, since low pay results in low Social Security....there's no making up for a lifetime of low pay), but it's the quiet daily suffering of people who must accept what is, and make the best of things. That's the way segregation was.

I'm a black woman and you cannot possibly compare women's suffrage and low pay wages to the suffering that blacks have had to endure and are still enduring, for centuries, in this country. Speaking of social security, black people worked for generations without social security. When the slaves were emancipated, did they receive social security, severance pay and retirement, even though they had broken their backs, working like mules to build this country and seeing to their racist slave holders every need and demand? Instead, to show their appreciation, the slave owner kicked the former slaves right out into the streets to fend for themselves and then terrorized and abused them in every way possible (physically, mentally and emotionally) just because they could do so. Even stray dogs get treated like royalty compared to how blacks have been treated. Not only that but the former slaves still had to eat and take basic care of themselves and their families, which meant that even the ones that were way beyond retirement age and too old and too broken down, physically and mentally had to find whatever work that they could in order to take basic care of themselves. Because of their lack of education, skills, and other options, in most cases, this meant returning to the plantation to work as a sharecropper, which itself wasn't much better than slavery and you have the nerve to compare that to a woman not receiving equal pay? Are you crazy?

All typos and misspellings courtesy of a public educational system.


There's no such thing as "reverse racism". It's just plain ole cowardly "racism".


FOR *beep* SAKE ....


and this movie was racist towards white people

This is my opinion. You're welcome to yours, but you will be wrong.
