MovieChat Forums > The Butler (2013) Discussion > Inspired by not based on a true story. T...

Inspired by not based on a true story. There's a difference.

There are so many post from people complaining about the movie because they where under the impression that the movie is suppose to be a true story but it's actually fiction. Okay, first of all, all the movies in Hollywood are fictional. That's no secret so why pick on this movie? Secondly, this movie never claimed to be "based" on a true story. It's claim was to be "inspired" by a true story and there is a difference. If a movie is "based on a true story" then that means, except for a few minor details, the movie is basically true. If a movie is "Inspired by a true story", that's exactly what it is. The actual story was an inspiration for the fictional movie, which basically means that the movie, itself, isn't true but the idea for the movie came from an actual story. That could mean that the movie only shares a few details with the real story. Hopefully this will bring some clarity to those of you who are nitpicking and complaining about fiction v.s nonfiction.

All typos and misspellings courtesy of a public educational system.


^ Defender of cowardly propaganda.


Cowardly propaganda? Please explain because how is highlighting the major steps of the Civil Rights moment cowardly propaganda? This movie is like a Civil Rights 101 course, a quick fly by of the most important key events of the most significant movement in the history of this nation.


Yes. Just like for example, The Patriot. Mel Gibson. His character was based on a guy from that era, but he didn't alone with a handful of locals fend off the entire British Army or have his kids killed by one guy. It was all made up.


I've always been angry at that disclaimer "Inspired by a True Story." Sheesh, every movie could likely be "Inspired by a True Story." I suppose someone with imagination could claim that Star Wars was "Inspired by a True Story." The way I look at it, keep it close to the truth or don't say it's the truth at all.

She doesn`t quite chop his head off. She makes a Pez dispenser out of him.
