MovieChat Forums > The Butler (2013) Discussion > Why was his older son so inconsiderate?

Why was his older son so inconsiderate?

I get wanting to change the world and all that. But your dad works for the white house, why get involved in political protests that'll get you arrested and put your dad's job in jeopardy? Not to mention he almost got himself killed multiple times, and it was clear his parents weren't supporting his actions. I couldn't imagine being that selfish.


the rebel son was fiction to set up the movie to make a point there was a lot of fiction in this movie starting with the opening scene. However most of the White House stuff was probably true to a point. IMO the movie went to far almost making this a Forrest Gump black telling when the real truth of story wouldn't have been more instructive then this Hollywood retelling of a great man.


Well that answers the question


change doesn't come by not fighting back.

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Yes. But you'd think he'd understand why he was in a special case and how he could've cost his dad his dream job with his actions?


Kids are notorious for defying their parents, especially kids from the generation depicted in this film (i.e., the "Greatest Generation" vs. Baby Boomers). My MIL is a good example: she was adopted by immigrants who came here without a dime but worked hard to become very successful and eventually bought a home in a wealthy neighborhood. She defied them by dropping out of high school, running off with a biker gang, and then joining a commune. After numerous marriages, she reconciled with her adoptive parents and they in turn provided her with a generous allowance so she didn't have to work, until after they died, and she then proceeded to squander her entire inheritance. Now she's working her tail off and harboring all kinds of anger towards her parents, although all they did was try to get her straightened out.

Like I said, some kids just can't appreciate a good thing until it's gone.


why would any self respecting black person want a job like that. despite popular belief, black people were capable of opening up their own businesses back then. his father was a sambo too weak to fight back. this movie sends a horrible message

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


why would any self respecting black person want a job like that. despite popular belief, black people were capable of opening up their own businesses back then. his father was a sambo too weak to fight back. this movie sends a horrible message

You have to consider the era this was in. Jobs for black people were not as readily available as they are today. Many blacks had to work in the personal service industry, so a job in the white house was about as high of a job as some could hope to attain during those times.


There is no nice way to risk your life.

I want real change but I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings is not possible.

Being a political and social activist is not without risks. He didn't do it with the intent to hurt his family but so future generations wouldn't have to endure the same suffering. If you choose to do nothing then don't complain about the consequences of sticking with the status quo. Gaining ground requires you to push forward when something else is pushing back.


LOL, I was so anti anything my parents liked for a time. Some kids are like me are just hard headed and think we know the next best thing-which isn't the the next good thing.

