MovieChat Forums > The Butler (2013) Discussion > only president they came close in honest...

only president they came close in honest portrayal LBJ

They at least showed he was some what racist. LBJ was in fact the biggest racist outside of Nixon to hold office. The only reason he did any of the things he did was to get blacks to vote Democrat. He said “I’ll have those *beep* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”


LBJ was a great president in a lot of ways. Granted Vietnam was a cluster *beep* but with Domestic affairs he was very effective. For the environment, the poor and for civil rights. While he no doubt had a lot of racists opinions, think about where He grew up . In Texas during the early 1900s. You have to judge people by the times they lived. And Who cares what he thought, we should judge him by what did. And he did a lot for civil rights He called Dr Kings widow the night he was killed and told her how sorry he was. After it happened he called for a day of mourning in the whole country. Now portraying Ronald Reagan or Nancy in a positive light. That's unforgivable.


The only reason he did any of the things he did was to get blacks to vote Democrat. He said “I’ll have those *beep* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

From your tone, I'm going to guess it's a comfort to you to think one of the best pieces of legislation in our history was only passed by a personally flawed man in order to bribe black people into voting Democratic. However, black people are no more likely than white people to vote for someone for shallow, mercenary reasons. If anything, in my observation they're less likely to do so. And the LBJ quote is very dubious. More likely was "I lost the South for a generation."


Yes, damn that JFK for getting himself assassinated.


Oh please LBJ had a hand in it.


It seems as if everyone did!


Nope. He really did believe in the civil rights act. Don't judge him by his words. He was a crude man raised in the early 20th century. He also was incredibly mean to his wife.

He signed the Civil Rights Act, knowing that it would cost his party a lot of votes. After he signed it, he said....He'd just signed away the south. And he was right. Those bubbas that now vote Republican were yellow dog Democrats before the Civil Rights Act who religiously voted for the Democratic Party.


At least he wasn't shown waving his dick around, that would have been too much honesty.


although given what i've heard what he said when he did that would have been hysterically funny to see.


Censors aside, It would have been incredibly funny if they had at least implied it, if they couldn't outright showing it. Or had someone mention it.
