I don't understand.

how could so many people be okay with raping & murdering & just generally treating other humans like garbage because of their race? and the whole "that's the way things were" argument isn't good enough. what's worse is blatant racism happens today and there are so many that claim you're pulling the race card when you point it out. this movie was tough to watch but I appreciate it.


The problem is any time life isn't fair for a minority these days, they say it's due to the color of their skin. Every single time. They claim it's subtle racism. They have absolutely no proof that it's due to their skin, but you can't tell them otherwise.

When I get pulled over by the cops is it because I'm white? If I can't get decent health care is it because I'm white? When I get followed in a store by security is it because I'm white? If the cashier doesn't smile at me is it because I'm white? I could list any number of unfair things or petty slights that happen to me on a daily basis. Sounds pretty silly when I ask if it's because I'm white. It's equally ridiculous when minorities say it.

Every time something *beep* happens to me, I don't get to blame it on the color of my skin. However, my Black, Hispanic and Native American friends do and they do it all the time. (Interesting to note that my Muslim friends don't play this game.) My facebook page is filled with posts regarding perceived slights solely based on race. It's like the boy who cried wolf. I don't want to hear their false cries of racism anymore.

Then they start in on the White Privilege. I live paycheck to paycheck. Even with a college degree, I had a hard time getting a job. At least before I got a degree I could get jobs cleaning toilets. Not anymore. I can't get a loan. I'm never going to own a house. For ten years, I did not have a vehicle. My furniture is 20 years old or unwanted junk given to me. I did not get a free college education. I don't get free food. I don't get anything for free. Don't even tell me that simply being white has made my life any better than anyone else's. Maybe if I was rich, but I'm not. Being poor and white in the US does not have any advantages.

When someone gives me stinkeye or when a cop treats me like a criminal or when someone is cruel to me, I am forced to look at myself and wonder why. Is it because I'm fat or old or ugly or because of the clothes I wear? Is the other person having a bad day or is he/she just a jerk? Even worse, am I the jerk?

Minorities today don't ask these questions. They don't ask if they've actually done something inconsiderate or against the rules to be denied something. Black grandma can't get on a plane because of her oxygen tank? That's racism! Obnoxious drunk Hispanic guy starting fights gets kicked out of a bar? That's racism!! What's worse is celebrities doing it. Halle Berry still whines that she didn't win Miss America because she's Black. Chris Rock is always being pulled over by the cops. Sounds like he's a *beep* driver. But no. They immediately blame it on the color of their skin. It's the easy way out.

Kids today don't even know what real racism is. And the way the media plays into the race baiting is just disgusting. A white guy who has a manifesto and ends up killing a dozen people is crazy. Don't confuse crazy with racism.

Don't get me started with police brutality and how supposedly all cops are white men killing black men. Cops don't target minorities. They target the poor. Granted, it's with good reason because crime is rampant among young men who are unemployed/underemployed. It has nothing to do with race or gun control. In fact, more cops kill white people than black people, but the media won't tell you that. That's not news. They enjoy inciting riots to create more drama to report on. I just want the madness to end.

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.


I'm going to discuss your actual question because the other poster went off on some weird tangent.

So, your question is, how can people actually judge other people based on the color of their skin? How can one human being treat other human beings so callously? Let me ask you this: how could people allow the extermination of 6 million Jewish people? How could we think it was okay to own slaves? How could we steal land from Native Americans and end their way of life? How can we make laws that tell two consenting adults who they can and cannot marry?

History is filled with all of these travesties and more. The answers for why they do it vary. Greed. Ignorance. Intolerance. Heck, even self-hatred. There are no shortage of "reasons" for man's inhumanity to man. I don't know that I'll ever understand it either. But that's why I do my best to always have empathy for other people so that I don't lose my humanity.

You can't change other people but you can at least try to never be like them. Love and understanding feel so much better than hatred and ignorance.


lol it appears that everyone on this post has gone off on the deep end...I was only referring to the subject matter of this movie not the holocaust or native Americans plight...


Since you're female, you should know that black men had advantages that women, including white women, didn't have. They could vote, for instance, when your female ancestors could not. They could work and earn money, own property. Your female ancestors could not, in some situations.

It wasn't long ago that it was made illegal for a husband to rape his wife. Before then, it was not considered a crime, because they were married, so he had the right (as in ownership rights).

It was in my grandmother's lifetime that it was legal in America for a husband to kill his wife in certain circumstances.

Black women were not raped any more often than white women were raped....and are still being raped and murdered daily.

Yes, people can be cruel and view the world through their own warped lenses, seeing others as "less than" they are.

Was it worse for blacks? Probably. But is murder, rape, and second class citizenship any better if it's in a lesser degree? Does it matter that Person A is beaten more often than Person B, when what's important is that it was wrongfully legal to beat both of them.

As a female you should be aware of these things. It was just a few years ago that Pres. Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act, making it illegal to pay women less. In the 21st Century.

Also...I lived during the '60s in the deep south. I can tell you that the average white person was NOT like the people depicted in the riots and such on tv and in this movie and in documentaries. Those are redneck bubbas. They exist all over the southern states, incl in law enforcement and politics. But the ordinary people are more normal. They might have been prejudiced, but they usually didn't act on it, weren't rude to blacks, and I don't think any whites in my town would've acted to remove blacks from a white diner. In the south, the whites KNEW the blacks. They weren't strangers. So the picture of how things were is sometimes dramatized in movies, and the events depicted which really happened were caused by those white rednecks. But that's not MOST of the regular people. Most are like me and you. They were busy with their lives, spouses and kids and cooking and work, and didn't hate anyone without a reason.


Beat it with that divisive feminist crap. Countless black men lost their lives due to sex curious white women seducing them and yelling rape when they got caught and their word held more weight than a whole town's, and the same women was content with black women being the maids and other menial positions but now it's time to come together in this imagined 'sisterhood' huh? Such comedy...


Stop trolling


Mind your business and stop consigning the trivialization of my people's struggle.


Half of the movie is full of lies and made up. And the parts that are made up are used as a political weapon against Republicans. Like for example, as one thing made up, although not really anti Republican but I will address it because you mentioned rape, that whole his mother got raped and his dad got shot scene was fake. It never actually happened. Another example, the main character in real life never had 2 sons.


Can you specifically tell us what parts were against republicans? Or you like to project way too much?


Probably referring to the parts where Nixon looked like a shallow, self-serving a-hole. Everybody knows he was the kindly Capt Kangaroo type. 😀
