MovieChat Forums > Glee (2009) Discussion > Top 5 Annoying Characters

Top 5 Annoying Characters

First to last (not a sub total, but more how they were like most of the time)
1. 100% of the time: Fuzzy head kid who wanted to get into Rachels pants
2. Becky 85%(not because she had Downs) but because of her attitude. Calling people Bitches and being snarky all the time
3. Sue- 70% She was mean all the time & throwing things around, pushed kids into lockers, planted things. Lied constantly, belittled kids, calling Kurt Porcelain. She had her moments where she did kind things, but then turned around & was mean again
4. Britney- 60% She was sweet, naive, but incredibly stupid. Did a stupid show Fondue for 2, wrote in crayon, had a 0.0 GPA and then by chance Aced her SAT's becoming a math savant.
5. 40% Rachel, now I loved her, but she was all me being the most important person in Glee, speaking up all the time, interrupting everyone including Mr. Schu. She had a great voice (but I thought Mercedes did too). Then she had her moments of kindness and support of Quinn, Kurt, etc & showed how she was hurt (emotionally all the time), which is why she was like that & when not competing in Glee was a forgiving person


I completely agree with your list. Becky started out as such a great character, but they ruined her. Sue was supposed to be over the top, but they often took it too far. I couldn't stand Britney. She went back and forth too much, from supposedly sweet and naive to manipulative. Rachel was awfully selfish many times, although she did have some redeeming moments. Will sometimes annoyed me too. He favored some students over others, and he was selfish too at times.


For me, I don't think there were any characters that annoyed me in and of themselves- that is to say, I didn't mind that they all had flaws and could be selfish/whiny/etc. sometimes.

But what I did have a problem with was how the show FRAMED certain characters, and Rachel was definitely the worst case for me.

Season 1 Rachel was great, and I could get behind everyone basically agreeing she was the best, because at THAT point in time, it was true that she was the one most already comfortable in her own skin as a performer and the one most confident to go out and kill a solo on the fly if need be. Season 2 Rachel was good too.

But then the end of season 3 started the trend of Rachel getting LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE THING she could ever possibly want, and being constantly touted as ~theeeee absolute most special snowflake of alllll the special snowflakes~, and it irritated the heck out of me! I didn't mind that SHE felt that way about herself- that was always kind of her thing- but the problem is when even people like the freaking headmistress of an extremely prestigious performing arts college start making massive exceptions for her when she did flat out choke her audition because she's just. that. special. And particularly as this was the point in time where all of the other characters HAD really come into their own as performers and so it was in reality a much more level playing field, it made me extra annoyed that Rachel was treated as if she was just sooooo far above everyone else talent-wise.

And I especially disliked it because in general I actually DO like Rachel as a character! I really do- I think her selfishness and feeling like she's better than other people make her rounded and interesting. But the show should have had her run into reality checks about those things. It shouldn't have had characters who didn't even know her through a hole in the wall and weren't the types to make exceptions start giving her all these crazily massive opportunities that (not through lack of talent but just due to bad luck, lack of experience, etc.) she did not earn.

Anyway, I agree, the other characters I also felt the show didn't handle well as time went on were:

- Sue (oh man, how they should have just let Sue fall nicely into the background after season 1! Season 1 Sue was maybe the BEST thing about the show, and then they had to go and make her the worst by rehashing the same tired plot points with her oooover and ooooover again until it got annoying)

- Will (just.... he got so icky by the end lol)

- Becky

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy. - Kurt Hummel


Will and Quinn


Brittany. A useless background character until they started putting her in every single shot, to the point that, even when someone else was talking/performing, we’re still seeing her face. Then, when they tried to make her speaking a character, it was like, enough with these ‘funny’ one-liners, this character is not funny. And can’t dance in a group number. And is not relevant. What’s worse is that her poor acting and delivery is made more obvious by the fact she’s almost always paired with Naya, one of the show’s best actors.

Finn. He became abusive and never really grew out of his ‘quarterback’ sense of entitlement.

Rachel. At her core, she was never a good person and that didn’t change. And the truth is, when I imagine Glee without Rachel, I see it being better. I see the other characters having more screen time, and being allowed to flourish or fall, and the show wouldn’t have sucked into the black hole that she became in the Rachel and Kurt show.

Kurt. For the most part, I enjoyed his character, but he also fell into the black hole trope that Rachel did, always appearing out of nowhere in scenes he didn’t need to be in to add his two cents to conversations he wasn’t a part of. When Tina was getting bullied, Kurt appeared and then it was Kurt’s scene, not Tina’s. When the God Squad are talking about suicide, for some reason Kurt is there to tell everyone they’re wrong even though he’s not part of the club.

Sue. I didn’t mind evil Sue. But I never understood good Sue and her random bursts of empathy and doubt. If they had stuck to one personality, or maintained consistency with the character, she wouldn’t be on this list. It would probably be Will instead.

That said, consistency was something all the characters were not written with.


Rachel at times was kind of a show off

And puck came off as as a-hole at times
