MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > this movie is a little too much.

this movie is a little too much.

"exploitation" would be an understatement. maybe i'm just getting crazy as i'm hitting my 30s, maybe i'm just getting old-fashioned, maybe i've just seen a little too much of this sort of thing in my time, but this was just too much senseless killing with a VERY depressing ending...and not the good "requiem for a dream" depressing, but the "why did i just waste an hour and a half of my life to get bummed out because people are scum?" depressing. having just viewed this last night, i wish i had decided to watch a rerun of the republican debates than this. and don't get me wrong, i'm a hardcore zombie freak, horror movie fanatic...but like i said, i guess i'm just getting old. too many innocent people dead for no reason at all. not my thing. i almost had to leave the room. i definitely won't reccomend this to anybody.

De profundis clamo ad te domine.



But it would've been so much cooler if the end was his end too.
Nothing made me feel good about this loser psychopath getting away with massacring dozens of innocents and riding off into the sunset.


You are part of the problem


Yeah I know..I'm breathing.


if it makes u feel better. ive read here about a alternate ending where Bill was caught by cops


That's because he wasn't a loser psychopath but a brilliant psychopath. Considering his personality type, I found the ending surprising and unsurprising at the same time. It fit his MO so well, and he created such a convoluted web of deception to cover his true intent up and make off in the meantime. One of the reasons I like this film is because it offers such a controversial and genuine view (for the media, anyway) into an intelligent, sociopathic mind.




lol, brilliant? Hardly so. The movie made a complete moron look like he was clever while in reality a high powered rifle from a helicopter would have taken him down right quick.


if you want to see a happy-ending feel-good movie go watch the Teletubbies
if you want to see a bunch of idiots talking crap, go watch the republican debates

p.s. this forum lacks clear seperation of ones signature


Yes, you are a becoming a pussy.



How did Requiem for a Dream have a "Good depressing ending?" Lmao.

Boy Wonder 9/10
Seeking Justice 6/10
The Hole 6/10
Control 7/10
Drive 7/10


Because it had a depressing ending but it was a great ending at the same time.


So a bunch of people with their lives destroyed is a "good depressing ending" Ok.

Well with Rampage, the ending is a brilliant twist.

By the way, Rampage, obviously not a movie for everybody, I mean, pu**ies are pu**ies, and don't have the stomach for such raw violence. That would be you.

But Rampage really has zero comparisons with RFAD.

Maybe you should start watching trailers to see what your little tummy can handle before you go watching the entire film.

Boy Wonder 9/10
Seeking Justice 6/10
The Hole 6/10
Control 7/10
Drive 7/10


It's just a movie you mindless sack of *beep* You aren't tough or manly simply because you sit on your ass watching cheap movies with violence. I bet you haven't served in a single war or been in any real physical conflict outside of your little high school "fights". You haven't done a single thing with your mundane, uneventful and spoiled suburban life.


oh man, i wish i was as tough as you for sitting on a couch and watching a movie

im mean only p*ssies don't do that...


Yeah, there was nothing depressing about seeing Jen Connelly take on a double-ended dildo with another junkie. That was the best ending ever.


I don't think it was exploitation - since that usually refers to the actors. There was no gratuitous sex. Nor did they hire people cheaply because of race, etc...

I think it was intentionally *supposed to be* "too much."

As for the motivation, agreed. But what reasons do any of the real life massacres have for happening? Sometime people just snap. Although I wasn't convinced particularly by the actor "catalyst" moment.


I'm 31 brother. So yeah, you just might not like that kind of movie. And maybe you feel that the people that antagonized him didn't deserve to die, but he certainly, and obviously felt differently. No one is innocent. NO ONE. At one point, we've all done something that would be frowned upon or scrutinized, and maybe someone like the main character would see fit to end your life for.

And he didn't kill himself. I would have been very angry if he had done that, but like many have already stated, he had a plan. I don't want to say he "did it the right way" but, for what he did, I mean...he disappeared as well. I think maybe if he had stayed he would have been okay as well. His friends father was obviously deemed crazy so I think he was safe as far as his identity being revealed goes.


Maybe that's what it is. I remember that *beep* too, man. I was in high school just like you when the *beep* happened. It was horrific. And I'm glad those *beep* guys did off themselves. Death was a suitable reward for their "inservice".

But since this is a movie, and not real life, i can sit back and enjoy what this movie is trying to do and be.

Virgina Tech. *beep* happens everywhere. The Fort Hood shootings. Aurora. It'll never stop.


at least you dident see this on Christmas day. a day of good will towards everyone would be the worst time to watch Rampage

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today
